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发布时间:2021-11-19 09:09来源: 融跃教育FRM

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How many of the following statements concerning the capital structure in a securitization are most likely correct?

●The mezzanine tranche is typically the smallest tranche size.》》2021年新版FRM一二级内部资料免费领取!【精华版】

●The mezzanine and equity tranches typically offer fixed coupons.

●The senior tranche typically receives the lowest coupon.

A) No statements are correct.

B) One statement is correct.

C) Two statements are correct.

D) Three statements are correct.


解析:Senior tranches are perceived to be the safest, so they receive the lowest coupon. The equity tranche receives residual cash flows and no explicit coupon. Although the mezzanine tranche is often thin, the equity tranche is typically the thinnest slice.

Which of the following statements about portfolio losses and default correlation are most likely correct?

Ⅰ.Increasing default correlation decreases senior tranche values but increases equity tranche values.

Ⅱ.At high default rates, increasing default correlation decreases mezzanine bond prices.扫描二维码直接预约

A) I only.

B) II only.

C) Both I and II.

D) Neither I nor II.


解析:Statement I is true. Increasing default correlation increases the likelihood of more extreme portfolio returns (very high or very low number of defaults). The increased likelihood of high defaults negatively impacts the senior tranche.

On the other hand, the increased likelihood of few defaults benefits the equity tranche as it bears first loss. Statement II is false. At high default rates, increasing the correlation increases the likelihood of more extreme portfolio returns which benefits equity investors and mezzanine investors.


关键词 : FRM真题
转载声明:本篇内容来自融跃教育FRM官网,原文地址:https://www.frmks.net/article/2268.html 本站文章无特别说明,皆为原创,版权所有,转载需注明来源!如有侵权请立即与我们联系,我们将及时处理!


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