*Terms commonly used in the Mainland
*内地用语 版本日期:2019年12月
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*内地用语 版本日期:2019年12月
可使用Ctrl + F 键查找
按价格排序的传送专线 | market-by-price feed |
按揭贷款发放者 | mortgage loan originator |
按揭证券 | mortgage-backed securities |
按金 | margin;deposit |
按金比例 | margin ratio |
按金贷记 | margin credit |
按金对销 | margin offset |
按金豁免额 | margin credit |
按金间距 | margin interval |
按金减免 | margin relief |
按金交易 | margin trading |
按金损耗 | margin erosion |
按买卖盘排序的传送专线 | market-by-order feed |
按盘价 | nominal price |
按市价计值/按市值计价 | mark to market / mark-to-market |
按使用天数收费服务计划 | Daily Charge Service |
暗池交易*;黑池交易 | dark pool |
暗盘价 | grey market price |
澳洲证券及投资监察委员会(澳洲证监会) | Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) |
澳洲证券交易所 | Australian Stock Exchange (ASX) |
巴塞尔协定 | Basel Concordat |
巴塞尔协议 | Basel Agreement |
巴西证券期货交易所 | BM&FBovespa |
版本二《跨政府协议》下有报告义务的金融机构【美国】 | Reporting Financial Institution under a Model 2 Intergovernmental Agreement【US】 |
包销承担净值 | net underwriting commitment |
包销商 | underwriter |
包销银团 | underwriting syndicate |
保本产品 | capital preservation product |
保本信托基金 | guaranteed unit trust |
保本证 | Capital Protected Instrument (CPI) |
保管人 | custodian |
「保护偿付」规则【期权】 | Payout-Protection Rule【options】 |
保荐经纪 | sponsoring broker |
保荐人 | sponsor |
《保荐人标准守则》 | Model Code for Sponsors |
《保荐人及独立财务顾问的操守准则》 | Code of Conduct for Sponsors and Independent Financial Advisers |
《保荐人声明》 | Sponsor’s Declaration |
保留意见 | qualified opinion |
保险业监理处 | Office of the Commissioner of Insurance |
保险业监理专员 | Commissioner of Insurance |
保障安排 | security arrangement |
保证基金【香港结算】 | Guarantee Fund【HKSCC】 |
保证金 | margin; Margin Funds; deposit |
保证金保险范围比率 | margin coverage ratio |
保证金贷款 | margin loan |
保证金价值 | margin value |
保证金借贷活动 | margin financing |
保证金客户 | margin client |
保证金模拟计算器 | OASIS Margin Simulator |
保证金融资 | margin financing |
保证人 | guarantor |
保值公债【内地】 | Public Debt (Inflation-Linked Subsidy) Treasury【Mainland】 |
报价 | quote |
报价撮合* | order matching |
报价规则 | quotation rules |
报价券商* | quotation broker |
报价委托* | quotation order |
报价系统【期货及期权】 | Price Reporting System (PRS)【futures & options】 |
报价要求 | quote request; request for quote (RFQ) |
北京产权交易所 | China Beijing Equity Exchange |
北京国际矿业权交易所有限公司(北矿所) | China Beijing International Mining Exchange (CBMX) |
北京金融资产交易所 | Beijing Financial Assets Exchange |
北向交易 | Northbound trading |
备存纪录责任 | record keeping obligation |
备抵【会计】 | allowance【accounting】 |
备兑期权 | covered option |
备兑权证 | covered warrant |
备兑认购期权 | covered call |
备考报表 | pro forma statement |
备考全面摊薄市盈率 | pro forma fully diluted price/earnings ratio |
备用数据中心 | secondary data centre |
被动受托人 | bare trustee |
被动型基金 | passive fund |
被实施风险警示【內地】 | under “risk alert” 【Mainland】 |
被视为截止过户日期 | deemed book close date |
被转移的交易 | given-up trade |
本地生产总值 | gross domestic product (GDP) |
本益比*;市盈率 | price/earnings ratio (P/E) |
比例综合法 | proportionate consolidation method |
闭端式基金 | closed-end fund |
闭环系统;全程封闭 | closed loop |
避税 | tax avoidance |
边远值 | outliers |
贬值 | depreciation |
变换交易【期权】 | conversion【options】 |
变价调整 | variation adjustment |
变现 | realisation |
标的证券*;指定证券 | designated securities |
标准按金制度 | standard margin system |
标准差 | standard deviation |
标准登记服务 | standard registration service |
标准合约 | standard contract |
标准会计准则 | standard accounting practice |
标准普尔 500 综合指数预托证券 | Standard & Poor's Depositary Receipt (SPDR) |
标准普尔评级 | Standard & Poor's Rating |
标准普尔/香港交易所 GEM 指数 | S&P/HKEX GEM |
标准普尔/香港交易所大型股指数 | S&P/HKEX LargeCap |
标准授权书 | Model Authorisation Letter |
标准证券数据【数据传送专线】 | Securities Standard【datafeed】 |
标准组合风险分析 | Standard Portfolio Analysis of Risk (SPAN) |
标准组合交易功能 | standard combination trading function |
标准组合买卖盘挂盘纪录 | Standard Combination Order Book |
并购活动 | mergers and acquisitions |
并行买卖 | parallel trading |
拨备 | provision |
波幅;波动性* | volatility |
波幅校验范围 | Volatility Scan Range (VSR) |
波幅指数 | volatility index |
波罗的海干散货指数;波罗的海综合指数 | Baltic Dry Index (BDI) |
渤海商品交易所(渤商所) | Bohai Commodity Exchange (BOCE) |
播送量【市场数据】 | throughput 【market data】 |
驳脚经纪 | runner |
「柏力克-舒尔斯」期权定价模式 | Black-Scholes option pricing model |
补仓按金【期货】 | maintenance margin【futures】 |
补仓通知 | margin call |
补充/增补上市文件 | supplemental/supplementary listing document |
补发证书服务 | certificate replacement service |
补购 | buy in |
补购交易 | buy-in transaction |
补购通知书 | Buy-in Notification Report |
不当行为 | misconduct |
不抵押保证;不抵押担保 | negative pledge |
不定额供款 | variable contribution |
不动户口费 | dormant account fee |
不动盘 | inactive order |
不公平竞争 | uneven playing field【cf level playing field】 |
「不公平损害」补救 | "unfair prejudice" remedy |
不活跃公司 | dormant company |
不记名式国库券【内地】 | Bearer Treasury【Mainland】 |
不记名证券 | bearer securities |
不交收利率掉期 | non-deliverable IRS (NDIRS) |
不交收远期外汇合约;不交割远期外汇合约* | non-deliverable forward contract (NDF) |
不可抗力 | force majeure |
不可取消时段 | No-Cancellation Period |
不能配对买卖盘 | order imbalance |
不良债务 | distressed debt |
不停电电源装置;不间断电源装置 | uninterrupted power supply (UPS) |
不同投票权架构 | weighted voting rights structure |
不限量发行 | tap issue |
部分区域网络 | Local Area Network (LAN) |
部分完成的买卖指示 | partially filled order |
簿记建档*;累计投标制;询价制* | book building |
财务报表审阅计划 | Financial Statements Review Programme |
财务风险 | financial risk; financial exposure |
财务顾问 | financial adviser |
财务汇报;财务申报 | financial reporting |
财务汇报检讨委员会 | Financial Reporting Review Committee (FRRC); Financial Reporting Review Panel (FRRP) |
财务汇报局 | The Financial Reporting Council (FRC) |
财务通融 | financial accomodation |
财务业绩 | financial results |
财务摘要报告 | summary financial report |
财务租赁 | financial lease |
财政股东 | financial shareholder |
财政健全 | financial integrity |
财政年度 | financial year |
财政资源规则 | financial resources rules |
财资企业集团 | financial conglomerate |
财资市场公会 | Treasury Markets Association (TMA) |
参考草拟本 | indicative draft |
参考发行价 | indicated issue price |
参考平衡成交量 | Indicative Equilibrium Volume (IEV) |
参考平衡价格 | Indicative Equilibrium Price (IEP) |
参与人远程操作平台 | Participant Remote Operating Platform (PROP) |
参与者财务资源监察系统 | Participant Financial Resources Surveillance System |
参与者持股纪录报表 | Participant Shareholding Report |
参与者电子通讯系统 | Participant Email System |
参与者风险排序方法 | counterparty risk ranking methodology |
《参与者适用的中央结算系统终端机使用者指引》 | CCASS Terminal User Guide for Participants |
参与者网间连接器 | Participant Gateway (PG) |
参与者资料提取系统【期货】 | Participant Access Services【futures】 |
参与者资讯系统 | Participants Information System (PIS) |
参与者自设系统 | Participant Supplied System (PSS) |
参与证券商 | Participating Dealer |
残值 | salvage value |
仓 | position |
仓位持有人 | position holder |
《操守准则》 | Code of Conduct |
操纵价格 | price manipulation |
策略投资者 | strategic investor; tactical investor |
差额缴款 | marks / marks payment |
差价 | spread |
差价合约 | contract for differences (CFD) |
「查询报失股票资料」功能【中央结算系统】 | Enquire Reported Lost Certificate 【CCASS】 |
查询公布资料【中央结算系统】 | Enquire Announcement Information 【CCASS】 |
查询交收指示未获配对原因【中央结算系统】 | Enquire Unmatched SI Reason 【CCASS】 |
「拆骨专家」 | asset stripper |
拆卖资产 | asset stripping |
产品资料概要 | Product Key Fact Statement |
产品咨询委员会【证监会】 | Products Advisory Committee 【SFC】 |
产权负担 | encumbrances |
长仓 | long position; bull position |
长期指数期权 / 远期指数期权 | long-dated index options |
长时间停牌公司 | long suspended company |
常务委员会 | Executive Committee |
偿债基金 | sinking fund |
偿债能力风险 | insolvency risk |
场内规则 | on-market rules |
场内交易 | pit trading |
场内交易产品;交易所买卖产品 | exchange traded product (ETP) |
场内买卖盘 | on-floor order |
场内买卖期权 | exchange traded option |
场内终端机 | on-floor terminal |
场外购回股份 | off-market share repurchase |
场外规则 | off-market rules |
场外交易 | off-floor trading; over-the-counter trading; off-board trading |
场外交易议价板【美国】 | OTC Bulletin Board【US】 |
场外交易结算及交收系统 | OTC Clearing and Settlement System (OCASS) |
场外结算追溯汇报 | OTC backloading |
场外平均交易 | over-the-counter averaging business |
场外期权 | over-the-counter option |
场外市场;柜台市场 | over-the-counter (OTC) market |
场外衍生工具 | over-the-counter derivative |
场外现汇 | OTC FX spot |
场外终端机 | off-floor terminal |
超短期融资券【内地】 | super & short-term commercial paper (SCP)【Mainland】 |
超额配发/配股权 | over-allotment option |
超额配发机制 | over-allotment option scheme |
超额配售选择权* | over-allotment option |
超额认购 | oversubscribed; overbooked |
超国家机构 | supranational entity |
超买 | overbought |
超卖 | oversold |
超前交易 | front running |
炒高价格 | ramping; price ramping |
承办银行 | administering bank |
承兑 | acceptance |
承兑票据 | promissory notes |
承诺通融额 | committed facilities |
承配人 | placee |
承前【会计】 | brought forward【accounting】 |
承让人 | assignee; transferee |
承销商* | underwriter |
成本效益 | cost effectiveness |
成份股;样本股* | constituents |
成交单/成交单据/买卖单据 | contract note |
成交量加权平均价 | volume weighted average price (VWAP) |
成交额比率 | turnover ratio |
成交及取消【限价盘】 | Fill and Kill【limit orders】 |
成交纪录 | trading record |
成交确认委托* | transaction confirmation order |
成交调整 | trade amendment |
成员大会;股东大会 | general meeting |
成员登记册 | register of members |
程式买卖/交易;程式演算交易 | algorithmic trading; algo trade; programme trading; black box trading |
程序覆检委员会【证监会】 | Process Review Panel【SFC】 |
诚信责任 | fiduciary duties |
迟报交易 | late reported sales |
持仓 | position |
持仓比例 | position ratio |
持仓对冲值 | position delta |
持仓风险调整 | position risk adjustment |
持仓净额 | net position |
持仓类别【期权】 | tier【options】 |
持仓上限 / 限额 | position limit |
持仓限额比率 | position limit ratio |
持份者;权益人;利益相关者;干系人*;利益攸关者* | stakeholder |
持股编号 | shareholder Reference Number (SRN) |
持股人的分布情况 | spread of holders |
持牌法团 | licensed corporation |
持牌人及注册机构的公众纪录册 | Public Register of Licensed Persons and Registered Institutions |
持权成本【期权】 | cost of carry |
持续报价 | Continuous Quotes |
持续报价庄家 | continuous quote market maker |
持续发售机制 | tap facility |
持续交易时段 | continuous trading session |
持续关连交易 | continuing connected transaction |
持续经营【会计】 | going concern【accounting】 |
持续经营之业务 | continuing operation |
持续净额交收 | continuous net settlement (CNS) |
持续披露及资料传递政策 | Continuous Disclosure and Communication Policy |
持续责任 | continuing obligation; on-going obligation |
持续专业培训课程 | Continuous Professional Training (CPT) |
持有成本 | cost of carry |
重复认购 | multiple applications |
重复申请 | double-dipping |
重估 | revaluation |
重新实物化 | rematerialisation |
重置成本 | replacement cost |
重组 | reorganisation |
筹备董事会 | Preparatory Board |
初始保证金 | initial margin |
出市代表/出市员 | floor trader; authorised clerk |
除净日 | ex-date |
除净日未经调整之收市价 | ex unadjusted close |
除牌 | delisting |
除权 | ex-rights |
除权日* | ex-date |
除权交易 | ex-entitlement trading |
除息基准 | ex-dividend basis |
储备 | reserve |
储备基金 | reserve fund |
储存区域网络 | storage area network (SAN) |
储架发行* | shelf offering |
储架式注册* | shelf registration facility |
处理时延 | order processing latency |
穿价交易 | trade through |
传统基金会【美国】 | The Heritage Foundation【US】 |
传统债券 | plain vanilla bond |
串换* | swap |
串流数据 | streaming data |
创投基金∕创业基金 | venture capital |
创效投资债券 | impact investment bond |
创新板 | New Board |
创新初板 | New Board PRO |
创新主板 | New Board PREMIUM |
创新实验室 | Innovation Lab |
创业板【深交所】 | ChiNext【SZSE】 |
窗口定价权证 | Window Barrier Warrant |
纯交易板 | trading-only board |
次级投票权股份 | subordinate voting share |
次级债券*;次顺位债券* | subordinated bond |
次要控制人 | minority controller |
从价印花税 | ad valorem stamp duty |
存管处及共用代理人系统 | Depository and Common Nominee System (DNS) |
存管代理人 | depository nominee |
存货 | inventory |
存款公司公会 | The DTC Association (DTCA) |
存款准备金率 | reserve requirement ratio (RRR) |
存留利息 | retention interest |
存托凭证* | depositary receipt |
错价交易 | error trade |
错误包容 | fault tolerance |
错误陈述 | misstatement |
错误交易 | erroneous trade |
错误交易合约 | mistraded contract |
错向风险 | wrong way risk |
打和点 | breakeven point |
大额持仓汇报协议 | Large Exposure Report Agreement |
大额股票【中央结算系统】 | jumbo certificate【CCASS】 |
大額交易* | block trade |
大额买卖盘 | block order |
大额未平仓合约 | large open position |
大额未平仓合约报告 | Large Open Position Report |
大股东 | substantial shareholder; major shareholder |
大利市 | Teletext |
大连商品交易所(大商所) | Dalian Commodity Exchange (DCE) |
大量报价设施 | Mass Quotation Facility |
大量户口转移指示 | Mass Account Transfer Instruction (Mass ATI) |
大量开盘 | mass quote |
大批登记服务 | bulk registration service |
大批交收程序 | bulk settlement run |
大手交易 | block trade |
大手交易机制;大手交易设施 | Block Trade Facility; Block Trading Facility (BTF) |
大手交易特别按金 | Special Block Trade Margin |
大型股 | large cap stock |
大宗交易* | block trade |
代办股份转让系统【内地】 | Agency Share Transfer System; Share Transfer Agent System【Mainland】 |
代表委任表格 | proxy form |
代处理服务;代表处理服务 | on-behalf-of processing |
代价 | consideration |
代价发行 | consideration issue |
代价股份 | consideration share |
代客买卖 | agency trade |
代客买卖户口 | agency account |
代理户口 | agency account |
代理人 | agent; nominee |
代名人 | nominee |
代理人户口 | nominee account |
代履行权责服务费 | corporate actions service fee |
代收股息/债券利息服务费 | dividend and debt securities interest collection service fee |
代息股份 | scrip entitlement |
贷出费 | lending fee |
贷股人 | stock lender |
贷股人参与者【中央结算系统参与者】 | Stock Lender Participant【CCASS】 |
贷款抵押证券 | collateralised loan obligation (CLO) |
贷款股/贷款债券 | loan stock |
贷款融通 | loan facility |
贷款银团 | loan syndicate |
待收取的经纪参与者 【中央结算系统】 | Long Broker Participant【CCASS】 |
待支付的经纪参与者 【中央结算系统】 | Short Broker Participant【CCASS】 |
待转名股份 | “street name” share certificate |
戴维森报告书(即 1988 年证券业检讨委员会报告书) | Ian Hay Davison Report (ie Report of the Securities Review Committee in 1988) |
担保计划【联交所】 | Guarantee Scheme【SEHK】 |
担保交易 | guarantee transaction |
担保权益 | security interest |
担保人 | guarantor |
担保物* | collateral; security |
单币单股 | Single Tranche, Single Counter (STSC) |
单播数据传送专线 | unicast datafeed |
单价配对【期权】 | netting【options】 |
单类别股份架构 | single class share structure |
单日货币市场 | intra-day money market |
单位信托基金 | unit trust |
单一董事会制 | unitary board system |
单一价格竞价市场 | single price auction system |
单一牌照制度 | Single Licence Regime |
单一种股份的衍生认股权证 | single share derivative warrant |
淡仓 | short position |
淡仓申报服务【证监会】 | Short Position Reporting Service 【SFC】 |
当日有效盘;即日买卖盘;即日盘 | day order |
当日有效盘【限价盘】 | Rest of Day【limit orders】 |
档案传送协定 | file transfer protocol |
档案转换 | file transfer |
道琼斯工业平均指数 | Dow Jones Industrial Average |
道琼斯工业平均指数期权 | Dow Jones Industrial Average Options |
到期界内证 | end-inline warrant |
到期/到期日 | maturity; expiry date |
到期前有效买卖盘 | good-till-date order (GTD) |
到期收益率 | yield to maturity |
到期月份 | expiry month |
德国期货及期权交易所 | Deutsche Terminborse (DTB) |
德意志交易所集团 | Deutsche Börse Group |
登记持有人 | registered owner |
登记股东 | registered shareholder |
登记过户费 | scrip fee |
等价期权 | at-the-money option |
等值合约张数 | contract-equivalent number |
低收费经纪 | discount broker |
低于面值 | below par |
低于最佳卖盘价/低于最好沽盘价 | downtick; minus tick |
抵销 | set off |
抵押 | charge; pledge |
抵押安排 | security arrangement |
抵押补充贷款 | pledged supplementary lending (PSL) |
抵押股份统制户口 | Stock Collateral Control Account |
抵押品 | collateral; security |
抵押品资格 | collateral eligibility |
抵押权益 | security interest |
抵押债券 | mortgage bond |
抵押债项 | secured debts |
地方政府融资平台 | local government financing vehicle (LGFV) |
第二板 / 第二板市场 | second board; second market |
第二上市 | secondary listing |
第三方网站基本报价服务 | Third Party Website Basic Market Prices Service |
第三者结算 | Third Party Clearing (TPC) |
《第三者网站服务指引》 | Guideline on Third Party Website Service |
第一板 | main board |
第一上市 | primary listing |
递耗资产 | decaying asset |
递加节流率 | additional throttle |
递延股 | deferred share |
递延税项 | deferred tax |
点子 | basis point |
垫款 | advance; monies advanced |
电源使用效率 | Power Usage Efficiency (PUE) |
电子呈交系统 | Electronic Submission System (ESS) |
电子传递证券资讯服务 | Electronic Mailing Stock Information Service (EMSIS) |
电子登载系统 | Electronic Publication System (EPS) |
《电子公开发售指引》【证监会】 | Guidelines for Electronic Public Offerings 【SFC】 |
电子化财政资源规则报表系统 | e-FRRR system |
电子交易 | electronic trading |
电子款项交收费 | electronic money settlement fee |
电子款项交收服务 | Electronic Money Settlement Services |
电子认购首次公开招股服务 | Electronic Initial Public Offering service (EIPO) |
电子认购新股指示 | Electronic Application Instruction for New Issue Shares |
电子收付款指示 | Electronic Payment Instruction (EPI) |
「电子数据收集、分析及检索」系统【美国】 | Electronic Data Gathering, Analysis and Retrieval (EDGAR)【US】 |
电子通讯平台(e 通讯) | Electronic Communications Platform (ECP) |
电子通讯网络 | electronic communications network (ECN) |
电子证券申报及批核系统 | e-Securities Declaration and Approval System |
电子直达市场安排;非参与者直接落盘 | direct market access |
掉期 | swap |
调期息率;利率掉期/利率调期* | interest rate swap (IRS) |
吊销资格令 | disqualification order |
蝶式买卖 | butterfly spread |
订单路由 | order routing |
订单路由安排 | order-routing connectivity |
订明证券 | prescribed securities |
定点权证 | digital warrant |
定点市场 | call market |
定格;「定镜」处理 | snapshot |
定价模式 | pricing model |
定界期权 | barrier option |
定界认股证/定界权证 | barrier warrant |
定期债券 | term bond |
定息按揭 | fixed-rate mortgage |
定息及货币产品 | fixed income and currency (FIC) |
定息优先票据 | fixed rate senior note |
定息组合股;定息交易所买卖基金 | Fixed Income ETF |
定向增发*;私人配售 | private placement / private placing |
东南亚国家联盟(东盟) | Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) |
东亚及大洋洲证券交易所联会 | East Asian and Oceanian Stock Exchanges Federation (EAOSEF) |
董事酬金 | directors’ remuneration |
《董事的声明及承诺》 | Declaration and Undertaking with regard to Directors |
董事会 | board of directors |
董事会报告 | directors’ report |
董事袍金 | directors’ fee |
冻结 | locked up |
冻结股份机制 | securities-on-hold mechanism |
动态对冲 | dynamic hedging |
动态价格检查 | dynamic price checking |
动态价格限制 / 动态价格带机制 | Dynamic Price Banding |
兜售证券 | hawking of securities |
独立财务顾问 | independent financial adviser |
独立非执行董事 | independent non-executive director (INED) |
独立顾问 | independent adviser |
独立客户交易 | segregated client trades |
独立上市 | separate listing |
独立信托户口 | segregated trust account |
独资经营者 | sole proprietor |
渎职行为 | misconduct |
短仓 | short position |
短期同业拆放市场 | call market |
短期证券 | short-dated securities |
短期资金借贷市场 | money market |
短讯提示服务 | Alert Message Service |
短暂停牌;中途停牌 | trading halt |
断路器* | circuit breaker |
「对仓盘」交易 | “matched” trade |
对冲 | hedging |
对冲比率 | hedging ratio |
对冲豁免机制 | hedging exemption regime |
对冲基金 | hedge fund |
对冲基金的基金 | fund of hedge funds |
对冲值【期权】 | delta【options】 |
对冲值敏感度 | gamma |
对角买卖 | diagonal spread |
对口联络机制 | dedicated liaison mechanism |
对盘 | order matching |
对盘前时段 | pre-order matching period |
对盘时段 | order matching period |
对盘系统 | matching engine |
对敲 | bucketing |
对手方 | counterparty |
对手风险 | counterparty risk |
对手经纪 | contra broker |
对手失责假设 | counterparty default assumption |
对外持仓转移 | external position transfer |
对销;净额结算 | netting |
对账 | reconciliation |
兑付* | redemption |
多边交易设施 | multilateral trading facility (MTF) |
多伦多创业板 | TSX Venture |
多重投票权股份 | multiple voting share |
多方安全计算技术 | multi-party computation technology |
多方数据分析 | collaborative data analysis |
多工作站 | multiple-workstations |
多工作站系统 | Multi-workstation System (MWS) |
多批交收处理程序【中央结算系统】 | batch settlement run【CCASS】 |
多头仓位* | long position; bull position |
多种币值股票转换指示;多柜台合资格证券转换指示 | multi-counter transfer instruction |
多种货币买卖 | multi-currency trading |
额外按金 | additional margin |
饵盘 | bait order |
二板市场* | second board |
二级市场 | secondary market; after market / aftermarket |
24 个价位规则 | 24-spread rule |
「二态」期权模式 | “two-state” option valuation model |
二线股 | second liner; second line stock |
「二项式」期权定价模式 | binomial option pricing model |
恶意抢占额度 | quota hogging |
发钞局制度 | currency board system |
发牌资料册【证监会】 | Licensing Information Booklet【SFC】 |
发盘价 | offer price |
发起人 | promoter |
发行红股 | scrip issue |
发行机构 | issuer |
发行价 | issue price |
发行人 | issuer |
发行人保荐户口 | Issuer Sponsored Account |
发行人登记册 | Issuer Register |
发行人电子存盘系统 | issuer electronic filing system |
发行人公告专线 | Issuer Information Feed |
发行人资料传送专线 | Issuer Information Feed |
发行审核委员会(发审委)【中国证监会】 | Public Offering Review Committee 【CSRC】 |
《发行条款表资料档案规格》 | Term Sheet Data File Specifications |
发行新股 | new issue |
发行章程 | prospectus |
发行资料摘要【权证】 | indicative terms sheet【warrants】 |
法定储备 | statutory reserve |
法定公积金【内地】 | statutory surplus reserve【Mainland】 |
法定公益金【内地】 | statutory public welfare fund 【Mainland】 |
法定股本 | authorized capital |
法律风险 | legal risk |
法律实体 | legal entity |
法律实体识别编码 | legal entity identifier (LEI) |
法人股【内地】 | legal person share; institutional share 【Mainland】 |
法团大股东具报书 | Corporate Substantial Shareholders Notification |
法团内幕人士 | corporate insider |
法团形式的集体投资计划 | corporate form collective investment scheme (corporate form CIS) |
反驳交易 | rejected sales |
反馈测试模式 | beta test mode |
反收购;反向并购 | reverse takeover; reverse merger |
反收购文件 | defence document |
反弹 | rally |
反向可转换产品;反向兑换票据 | reverse convertible |
反向/淡仓交易所买卖基金 | inverse / short exchange-traded fund |
反向回购投资 | reverse purchase investment |
反向询价 | reverse enquiry |
房地产投资信托基金 | real estate investment trust (REIT) |
《房地产投资信托基金守则》 | Code on Real Estate Investment Trusts |
防违约措施 | default protection |
访客廊 | Viewing Gallery |
放宽管制 | deregulation |
放宽利率管制 | deregulation of interest rates |
非 H 股内地民营企业 | non-H-share Mainland private enterprise (NHMPE) |
非标准型权证;非标准型认股证;特种认股证 | exotic warrants |
非参与者直接落盘;电子直达市场安排 | direct market access |
非常重大的出售事项 | very substantial disposal |
非常重大的收购事项 | very substantial acquisition |
非成立为有限公司的注册人士 | unincorporated registered person |
非登记持有人 | non-registered holder |
非独立客户交易 | non-segregated client trades |
非法团上市实体 | non-corporate listed entities |
非即日平仓交易 | overnight trade |
非即时数据 | delayed data |
非交割远期外汇合约* | non-deliverable forward contract (NDF) |
非交易股票过户 | non-trade share transfer |
非交易过户 | non-trade transfer |
非结算的期权买卖参与者/非结算参与者 【期权买卖】 | Non-Clearing Options Trading Participant; Non-Clearing Participant (NCP) 【options trading】 |
非金钱利益 | soft-dollar benefits |
非金钱佣金 | soft commission |
非经常项目 | extraordinary item |
非流通股【内地】 | non-tradable share 【Mainland】 |
非认可负债 | non-ranking liabilities |
「非上市可交易」股份 | “trading only” stock |
非实物化 | dematerialisation |
非市场庄家的交易 | non-market-making transaction |
非诉讼宽免 | no-action relief |
非受监管发行人 | unregulated issuer |
非所有者权益变动表 | statement of “non-owner movement in equity” |
非无保留意见 | modified opinion |
非展示用途政策 | Non-display Usage Policy |
非整手买卖盘 | round-lot-plus order |
非正常项目 | abnormal item |
非执行董事 | non-executive director |
非中介化 | disintermediation |
非自动对盘的交易 | manual trade |
分包销商 | sub-underwriter |
分布式分类账 | distributed ledger |
分拆 / 分拆上市 | spin-off |
分级基金 | structured fund |
分类表决制度 | classified voting system |
分类账 | sub-ledger |
分类指数 | sub-index |
分离债* | detachable convertible bond |
分立* | spin-off |
分列登记册 | Split Register |
分托管 | sub-custody |
分派 | distribution |
分销 | distribution |
「粉红价单」;粉单市场【美国】 | Pink Sheets【US】 |
封闭式基金 | closed-end fund |
封顶红利票据 | capped bonus certificate |
疯狂抛售 | bear raid |
风险参数 | risk parameter |
风险管理 | risk management; exposure management |
风险管理数据储存库 | risk management data repository |
风险管理委员会 | Risk Management Committee |
风险管理宪章 | Risk Management Charter |
风险鉴别 | risk identification |
风险警示板【上交所】 | risk alert board 【SSE】 |
风险控制 | risk control |
风险逆转系数 | risk reversal |
风险排列按金制度 | risk array margining system |
风险排列方法 | risk array method |
风险排列算式 | risk array algorithm |
风险披露 | risk disclosure |
风险披露声明书【GEM】 | Risk Disclosure Statement【GEM】 |
风险评估 | risk evaluation |
风险容限 | risk tolerance |
风险头寸 | risk position |
风险投资基金 | venture capital |
风险系数档案 | Risk Parameter File (RPF) |
否定声明 | negative statement; disclaimer |
否定意见 | adverse opinion |
浮动保证基金 | Dynamic Guarantee Fund |
浮动保证金 | variation margin |
浮动储备基金 | Dynamic Reserve Fund |
浮动供款豁免额 | Dynamic Contribution Credit |
浮动价格换股票据;不确定性可换股票据 | toxic convertible |
浮动应计费用 | variable accrual |
浮息按揭 | variable-rate mortgage |
浮息存款证 | floating rate certificate of deposit (FRCD) |
浮息票据 | floating rate note (FRN) |
副保荐人【GEM】 | co-sponsor【GEM】 |
附寄结单服务的股份独立户口【中央结算系统】 | Stock Segregated Account with Statement Service (SSA) [CCASS] |
附权交易 | cum-trading |
附属贷款 | subordinated loan |
附属抵押品 | collateral security |
附属公司 | subsidiary |
附属企业 | subsidiary undertaking |
复牌 | resumption of trading |
富时指数集团 | FTSE Group |
复式按金 | spread margin |
复式盘 | spread order |
复式期权 | spread option |
付方参与者 | delivering Participant |
付款参与者 | paying Participant |
付运中货品 | goods-in-transit |
负债 | liabilities |
负债比率 | debt-to-equity ratio |
负债日 | indebtedness date |
《负责任的拥有权原则》【证监会】 | Principles of Responsible Ownership 【SFC】 |