*Terms commonly used in the Mainland
*内地用语 版本日期:2019年12月
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*内地用语 版本日期:2019年12月
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南向交易 | Southbound trading |
内部核数师 | internal auditor |
内部稽核 | internal audit |
内部监控 | internal control |
内部谴责 | internal censure |
内地技术中心 | Mainland Technology Centre |
内地结算备付金 | Mainland Settlement Deposit |
内地市场行情合作协议计划 | Mainland Market Data Collaboration Programme |
内地市场数据发布伙伴计划 | Mainland Market Data Distribution Partnership Programme |
内地市场数据枢纽 | Mainland Market Data Hub (MMDH) |
内地银行间债券市场 | China interbank bond market (CIBM) |
内地与香港基金互认安排 | Mainland-Hong Kong mutual recognition of funds |
《内地与香港关于建立更紧密经贸关系的安排 ─ 与证券及期货人员资格有关的安排》 | Mainland/Hong Kong Closer Economic Partnership Arrangement – Arrangements relating to Qualifications of Securities and Futures Industry Practitioners |
内地证券结算保证金 | Mainland Security Deposit |
内地证券结算风险基金 | Mainland Clearing Risk Fund |
内联网 | intranet |
内幕交易 | insider dealing |
内幕交易审裁处 | Insider Dealing Tribunal |
内幕交易者 | insider dealer |
内幕消息 | inside information |
《内幕消息披露指引》【证监会】 | Guidelines on Disclosure of Inside Information【SFC】 |
内在衍生工具 | embedded derivative |
内在值 | intrinsic value |
内资股【内地】 | domestic share【Mainland】 |
拟定开市价 | Calculated Opening Price (COP) |
逆差额【中央结算系统】 | unfavourable marks【CCASS】 |
逆向投资者 | contrarian |
逆周期因子 | counter-cyclical factor |
逆转交易【期权】 | trade reversals【options】 |
逆转交易合约【期权】 | reversal contract【options】 |
匿名交易;隐名交易 | anonymous trading |
年报 | annual report |
年度股东大会* | annual general meeting (AGM) |
年度账目 | annual accounts |
年结日 | balance sheet date |
年金* | pension fund |
牛市 | bull market |
牛熊证 | Callable Bull/Bear Contract |
纽约泛欧交易所集团 | NYSE Euronext (NYX) |
女菁汇 | Women’s Exchange |
欧式期权 | European style option |
欧洲复兴及开发银行(即 世界银行) | European Bank of Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) (ie World Bank) |
欧洲货币债券 | Eurobond |
欧洲清算系统 | Euroclear |
欧洲清算银行 | Euroclear Bank |
欧洲经济及货币联盟 | European Economic and Monetary Union (EMU) |
欧洲可换股担保债券 | Euro-convertible guaranteed bond |
欧洲市场基础设施监管规则 | European Market Infrastructure Regulation (EMIR) |
欧洲债券 | Eurobond |
欧洲证券及市场管理局 | European Securities and Markets Authority |
扒头交易 | front running |
排媒现象 | disintermediation |
排期申请表格 | advance booking form |
牌照 | licence |
派送股份/红股 | bonus issue |
盘 | order; position |
盘存 | inventory |
盘房 | dealing room |
盘后* | after-hour |
盘后交易;收市后交易 | after-hours trading |
盘纸 | order form |
盘中* | intra day |
盘中竞价时段 | mid-session auction |
盘中临时停牌*/ 盘中停牌* | trading suspension |
抛空 | short selling / short sale |
赔偿基金储备账 | Compensation Fund Reserve Account |
赔偿委员会 | Compensation Committee |
配对交易 | pairs trade; pair trading |
配发 | allotment |
配售 | placing |
配售代理 | placing agent |
配售经办人;账簿管理人 | book runner |
配售新股 | rights issue |
披露/披露事项 | disclosure |
披露权益 | disclosure of interests |
「披露易」网站 | HKEXnews website |
「啤打」系数 | beta coefficient |
偏离值 | stray value |
票据交换所自动转账系统 | Clearing House Automated Transfer System (CHATS) |
票据交换所自动转账系统付款指示 | CHATS Payment Instruction |
票据密集交收 | paper intensive settlement |
票面利率 | coupon; coupon rate |
票面息率 | coupon; coupon rate |
票面值 | par value |
撇销 | write off |
平仓 | close out; cover; position squaring |
平仓重开 | position reopening |
平仓合约 | closing contract |
平仓价;离场价 | exit price |
平仓交易 | closing transaction |
平衡价格 | equilibrium price |
平衡价值 | parity value |
平衡项目 | balancing item |
平价【期权】 | parity【options】 |
平价期权 | at-the-money option |
平均价盘 | average value order |
平均结算权证 | Average Return Warrant |
平均每日成交额 / 日均成交量 | average daily turnover (ADT) |
平买入仓【期权】 | closing buy【options】 |
平卖出仓【期权】 | closing sale【options】 |
平台接入协议 | platform access agreement |
凭证式附属登记册 | certificated sub-register |
凭证式股东 | certificated shareholder |
凭证式国库券【内地】 | Certificate Treasury【Mainland】 |
普氏全球金属奖 | Platts Global Metals Awards |
普通股 | ordinary share |
普通债券 | straight bond |
期初存货 | opening stock |
期货低水;期货贴水;贴水 | backwardation |
期货高水;期货升水;升水 | contango |
期货经纪商【台湾】 | Futures Commission Merchant【Taiwan】 |
期货赔偿基金委员会【证监会】 | Futures Compensation Fund Committee【SFC】 |
期末存货 | closing stock |
期权 | option |
期权长仓合约 | long options contract |
期权持仓 | option position |
期权持有人 | option holder |
期权定价 | option valuation |
期权定价模式 | option pricing model |
期权短仓 | short option |
期权短仓合约 | short options contract |
期权费用 | options tariff |
期权合约 | option contract |
期权合约净持仓 | net open options contract; net options position |
期权交付指令 | options delivery instruction |
期权交易代表 | Options Trading Representative |
《期权交易规则》 | Options Trading Rules |
期权交易确认书 | options trade confirmation |
期权交易主任 | Options Trading Officer |
期权交易主任及代表考试 | Options Trading Officer and Representative Examinations |
《期权结算规则》 | Options Clearing Rules |
期权结算主任 | Options Clearing Officer |
期权结算主任考试 | Options Clearing Officer Examination |
期权金 | premium |
期权金成交额 | premium turnover |
期权经纪交易所参与者 | Options Broker Exchange Participant (OBEP) |
期权客户协议书 | Options Client’s Agreement |
期权类别 | option class |
期权买方 | option buyer |
期权买卖交易所参与者 | Options Trading Exchange Participant (OTEP) |
《期权买卖交易所参与者交易运作程序》 | Operational Trading Procedures for Options Trading Exchange Participants |
《期权买卖交易所参与者结算运作程序》 | Operational Clearing Procedures for Options Trading Exchange Participants |
期权卖方 | option seller; option writer |
期权数码资料传送专线 | options digital datafeed |
期权系列 | option series |
期权资讯服务 | Options Information Service |
企业风险管理架构 | Enterprise Risk Management Framework |
企业管治 | corporate governance |
《企业管治守则》 | Corporate Governance Code |
《企业规管通讯》【证监会】 | Corporate Regulation Newsletter 【SFC】 |
企业狙击手 | corporate raider |
企业内容管理系统 | Enterprise Content Management system |
企业融资协会 | The Corporate Finance Association (corpfina) |
企业社会责任 | corporate social responsibility (CSR) |
企业债* | enterprise bond |
企业资讯资料库 | Enterprise Information Database |
《企业融资顾问操守准则》【证监会】 | Corporate Finance Adviser Code of Conduct 【SFC】 |
气候相关财务资讯披露工作组 | Taskforce for Climate Related Financial Disclosure (TCFD) |
迁册 | change of domicile |
牵头包销商 | lead underwriter |
牵头经办人;主要经办人 | lead manager |
前端监控 | pre-trade checking |
前端监控风险管理 | Pre-Trade Risk Management (PTRM) |
前端监控风险管理系统 | Pre-Trade Risk Management System |
前海联合交易中心有限公司 | Qianhai Mercantile Exchange Company Limited (QME) |
前海深港现代服务业合作区 | Qianhai Shenzhen-Hong Kong Modern Service Industry |
前收市价 | previous closing price |
前线办公室系统 | front-office system |
前置式监管 | front-loaded regulation |
浅白语言计划【证监会】 | Project on the Use of Plain Language 【SFC】 |
谴责 | reprimand; censure |
欠款 | arrears |
嵌入式衍生工具 | embedded derivative |
强行平仓 | forced closing-out |
强制补购 | compulsory buy-in; forced buy-in |
强制出售通知 | Forced-Sale Notice |
强制可换股证券 | mandatory convertible securities (MCS) |
强制收回事件;强制赎回事件 | Mandatory Call Event |
强制性公积金 | mandatory provident fund (MPF) |
强制性公积金计划管理局(积金局) | Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes Authority (MPFA) |
强制性收购建议 | mandatory bid; mandatory offer |
清盘 | liquidation |
清算 | clearing |
清算价 | clearing price |
清算交收 | settlement |
清洗交易 | whitewash transaction; wash sale; wash trade |
轻微违纪事件/行为 | summary offence |
轻装版衍生产品数据专线 | Derivatives Lite (D-Lite) |
区块链技术 | blockchain |
区域网络 | Local Area Network (LAN) |
区域全面经济伙伴关系协定 | Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) |
取方参与者 | receiving Participant |
取消/收回【牛熊证】 | knockout【CBBC】 |
取消登记 | decleared |
取消交易【期权】 | trade reversals【options】 |
取消交易合约【期权】 | reversal contract【options】 |
取消前有效买卖盘 | good-till-cancelled order (GTC) |
全部完成或放弃买卖盘 | all-or-none order |
全程封闭;闭环系统 | closed loop |
全额或取消【限价盘】 | Fill or Kill【limit orders】 |
全国电子交易系统【内地】 | National Electronic Trading System (NETS) 【Mainland】 |
全国社会保障基金 | National Social Security Fund (NSSF) |
全国社会保障基金理事会【内地】 | National Council for Social Security Fund 【Mainland】 |
全国银行间同业拆借中心【内地】 | National Interbank Funding Centre【Mainland】 |
全国中小企业股份转让系统(新三板)【内地】 | National Equities Exchange and Quotations (NEEQ, or New Third Board)【Mainland】 |
全面豁免 | blanket waiver; general waiver |
全面结算参与者 | General Clearing Participant (GCP) |
全面披露 | full disclosure |
全面收购建议 | general offer |
全面收益 | comprehensive income |
全面摊薄每股盈利 | fully diluted earnings per share |
全盘证券数据【数据传送专线】 | Securities FullTick【datafeed】 |
全球报告倡议组织 | Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) |
全球法人机构识别编码体系 | Global Legal Entity Identifier System (GLEIS) |
全球期货交易系统 | Globex |
全球预托证券;全球存托凭证* | global depositary receipt (GDR) |
全权代客买卖账户 | discretionary account |
全权管理人 | discretionary manager |
全权委托户口 | discretionary account |
全权委托客户 | discretionary client |
全权委托盘 | discretionary order; no-forcing order; order at discretion |
全权信托 | discretionary trust |
全收益指数 | total return index |
全资附属公司 | wholly-owned subsidiary |
权利金*【期权】 | premium |
权益报表【中央结算系统】 | Entitlement Statement【CCASS】 |
权益法【会计】 | equity method【accounting】 |
权益股本 | equity capital; equity share capital |
权益会计法 | equity method of accounting |
权益列表 | entitlement table |
权益人;持份者;利益相关者;干系人*;利益攸关者* | stakeholder |
权责发生制*【会计】 | accrual basis【accounting】 |
权证 | warrant |
券款对付【债券通】 | delivery vs payment (DvP) |
券面利率 | coupon; coupon rate |
券商* | brokerage |
券商客户编码 | Broker-to-Client Assigned Number (BCAN) |
群集式伺服器 | cluster server |
人均国民生产总值 | per capita gross national product |
人均国内生产总值 | per capita gross domestic product |
人民币定息及货币论坛 | RMB Fixed Income and Currency Conference |
人民币合格境外机构投资者 | RMB Qualified Foreign Institutional Investor (RQFII) |
人民币合格境内机构投资者 | RMB Qualified Domestic Institutional Investor (RQDII) |
人民币货币期货 | RMB Currency Futures |
人民币货币期权 | RMB Currency Option |
人民币货币指数期货 | RMB Currency Index Futures |
人民币即时支付结算系统(人民币 RTGS) | RMB Real Time Gross Settlement (RTGS) system |
人民币跨境支付系统 | RMB Cross-border Inter-bank Payment System (CIPS) |
人手操作的逾时交易 | manual late trading |
人证港币交易通(交易通) | RMB Equity Trading Support Facility (TSF) |
认购 | subscription |
认购不足 | undersubscribed; underbooked |
认购短仓 | short call |
认购期权 | call option |
认购期权沽出者 | call writer |
认购期权空仓 | short call |
认购权证 | call warrant |
认沽短仓 | short put |
认沽期权 | put option |
认沽期权沽出者 | put writer |
认沽期权空仓 | short put |
认沽权证 | put warrant |
认沽认购等价关系 | relationship of put-call parity |
认股期权 | share option |
认股权证/认购权证 | warrant |
认可存款基金 | approved deposit fund |
认可负债 | ranking liabilities |
认可行业资格 | Recognised Industry Qualifications (RIQ) |
认可基金 | authorised fund |
认可交易登记系统【场外结算公司】 | Approved Trade Registration System (ATRS) 【OTC Clear】 |
认可投资交易所 | Recognised Investment Exchange |
认可用户 | authorised user |
认可值 | admitted value |
认可资产净值 | net admissible assets |
日报表 | daily quotations sheet |
日间回购交易机制【银行】 | intraday Repo facility【banking】 |
日经平均指数 | Nikkei Stock Average |
日均成交量 / 平均每日成交额 | average daily turnover (ADT) |
日落条款 | sunset clause |
日终批量处理程序 | day-end batch processing |
日终交收 | day-end settlement |
日转期汇 | Rolling Forex |
熔断机制* | circuit breaker |
融通票据 | accommodation bill |
融通收费 | accommodation charge |
融资监控指标【内地】 | margin trading indicator【Mainland】 |
融资券* | financing bill |
融资人 | financier |
融资融券*;证券信用交易* | margin trading and securities lending |
融资租赁承担 | finance lease commitment |
入侵防护系统 | Intrusion Protection System |
软货币 | soft currency |
软佣金 | soft commission |
软着陆 | soft landing |
弱势货币 | soft currency |