最后修改:2020年5月 可使用Ctrl + F 键查找
objection | 拒绝 |
obligations | 债务 |
obligopolies | 受权专营部门 |
obligor | 债务人 |
obsolescence | 陈旧 |
occasional sales exemption | 偶然销售豁免 |
OEC(original equipment cost) | 设备原值 |
off balance sheet financing | 表外融资 |
off-balance sheet securitizations | 资产负债表外证券化 |
offering and sale | 发售和出售 |
official tax depreciation tables | 官方(制订的)税收折旧表 |
off-lease equipment | 退租设备 |
offsetting claims | 抵销请求权 |
omission | 不作为 |
on-condition parts | (飞机上)根据具体情况决定可否使用的部件 |
one-off program | (卖主的对谁都一样的)统一销售计划 |
one-stop shopping | 一站式采购 |
one-way consumer truck rental business | 单程客户载重汽车出租业务 |
Opening stock | 期初存货 |
operating expense | 营业费用 |
operating leases | 经营租赁协议 |
operating leasing | 经营租赁 |
operational efficiency | 经营效率 |
OPIC(Oversea Private Insurance Corporation) | 海外私人保险公司 |
option to buy | 购买任择权 |
option to purchase | 购买任择权 |
option to renewal | 续租任择权 |
options | 期权 |
Order | 订单 |
ordinary course | 常规过程 |
ordinary trusts | 普通信托 |
Organization expense | 开办费 |
organizational documents | 机构文件 |
Original document | 原始单据 |
original collateral | 初始抵押品 |
original lease value | 租赁原值 |
originating lessor | 作为发起人的出租人 |
originator | 发起人 |
out-bound big-ticket leasing | 大宗出口租赁 |
Outlay | 支出 |
outpatient clinic | 门诊诊所 |
Output | 产量 |
outright purchase | 直接购买 |
outright sale | 直销 |
outsourcing | 外包 |
Overdraft | 透支 |
overcollateralization | 超额提供抵押 |
overhaul | 检修 |
owner trust | 所有者信托 |
owner | 所有者 |
ownership interest | 所有权权益 |
ownership leases | 所有权租赁(对融资租赁实质的形容) |
ownership retention | 所有权的保留 |
ownership | 所有权 |
packaging | 包装 |
Packing credit | 打包放款 |
Packing expense | 包装费用 |
parameter | 参数 |
parent | 母公司 |
participants | 参与者 |
particular withholding tax | 特殊预提税 |
partnership | 合伙企业 合伙 |
partners | 合作伙伴 |
parts sale | (再处置中的)部件出售 |
parts | 部件 零件 |
Par value | 面值 |
Part payment | 部份付款 |
Partner | 合伙人 |
Partnership | 合伙 |
Partnership agreement | 合伙契约 |
party identification | 对当事方的认定 |
passive investment trust | 被动投资信托 |
pass-through entity | 传递实体 |
Patent | 专利权 |
pattern | 模式 |
payee | 受款人 |
Payer | 付款人 |
Payment | 支付 |
Payroll | 工资单 |
payment amount | 支付金额 |
payment due | 已到期应付款 |
payment of rentals | 租金支付 |
payors | 付款人 |
pay-through note | 定付 (证券) |
peculiar tax shelter provision of liquidation proceeds | 对清算得款的特定避税规定 |
penetration | 渗透 |
Pension | 年金 |
per se corporations | 本质上的公司 |
percentage of sales | 销售额的百分比 |
perfection | 完善、保全 |
performance | 业绩、履行 |
periodic rate of return | 期回报率 |
peripheral | (电脑的)外部设备 |
permanent funding activities | 长期资金融通方式 |
permanent funding vehicles | 长期性的融资工具 |
permission | 允许 |
permit | 执照 |
Perpetual stock | 永续货存 |
personal property leasing | 动产租赁 |
personal property tax | 动产税 |
personal resume | 个人简历 |
perspective | (看问题的)角度 |
Petty cash | 零用现金 |
physical deterioration | 物理性能的退化 |
Physical inventory | 实地盘存 |
Piece work wage | 计件工资 |
piercing the corporate veil | 捅破公司的面纱 |
place of taxation | 纳税地 |
placement | 放置 |
capital goods, plants or other equipment (the equipment) | 不动产、厂场或其它设备(设备) |
players | 参与者 |
pledge | 资产抵押 |
polarization | (将目标市场定位于某类规模客户的)极化 |
policy of insurance | 保险单 |
portfolio concentration | 组合(中的设备类型的)集中程度 |
portfolio(投资) | 组合 |
possession | 占有 |
Postage | 邮费 |
potential conflict | 潜在冲突 |
potential impairment | 潜在减损 |
power by the hour leases | 按每月使用小时支付租金的租赁 |
power generation | 发电 |
power transmission | (电、气、热的)能源传输 |
practitioner | 从业者 |
predetermined period | 事先确定了的期间 |
preestablished floor | 预先设定的底价 |
preface | 前言 |
Preference share | 优先股 |
prefund | 先行融资 |
prejudgment property recovery | 在法院裁决前先收回财产 |
prejudice | 损害 |
Preliminary expense | 开办费 |
premium | 保险费 |
pre-paid lease payments | 预付的租赁付款 |
present transfer | 即时转移 |
present values | 现值 |
preservation of exist bank line | 现有银行信贷额度的保留 |
presumption | 推论 |
pretax rate | 税前利率 |
preventive maintenance | 预防性保养 |
price/performance curve | 性能价格曲线 |
prices indices | 价格指数 |
pricing quandary | 定价上的左右为难 |
pricing risk | 定价风险 |
Price | 价格 |
Price list | 价目表 |
pride of ownership | 对所有权的满足感 |
primary servicer | 主服务者 |
prime interest rate | 基本利率 |
principal office and place | 主营业地 |
principal | 本金 |
printer | 打印机 |
Printing and stationery | 文具印刷 |
prior written consent | 预先的书面同意 |
prior written notice | 预先的书面通知 |
priorities | 优先权 |
private and public | 私人的或公共的 |
private carriers | 私人运送人 |
private international law | 国际私法 |
private placement | (对)特定对象(直接)销售 |
private-label program | (卖主同出租人联手的)销售计划 |
privatization | 私有化 |
probability | 概率 |
proceedings pending | 未决程序 |
proceeds | 进款 |
Proceed | 货价收入 |
process nexus | 程序关系 |
Process cost system | 分步成本制 |
product | 产品 |
profit generation | 利润产生 |
profitable operation | 可营利地运用 |
profit-making hospital | 营利性医院 |
Profit | 利润 |
Profit and loss account | 损益表 |
Profit of the period | 本期利润 |
Profit sharing | 利益分派 |
Proforma invoice | 形式发票 |
program risk | 规划风险 |
project finance | 项目融资 |
project risk | 项目风险 |
projected performance | 所规划的业绩 |
promise | 承诺 |
pronouncement | 公告 |
property tax | 财产税 |
Property | 财产 |
proportionate fraction | 成比例的部分 |
proprietary hospital | 业主医院 |
pros and cons | 有利有弊 |
prospectus | 章程 |
provisioning | 提取准备金 |
provisions | 条款 |
Provision | 预提 |
proxy | 代理 |
prudential norms relevant to leasing | 涉及租赁的审慎性标准 |
PTT(postal and communication entities) | 邮电部门 |
public control | 公有 |
public deficit | 财政赤字 |
public deposit | 公众存款 |
public distribution | 公开配售 |
public hearing | 公开听证 |
public limited companies | (在多数的大陆法系国家或地区内的)公共有限公司 |
public offering | 公开发售 |
public works | 市政工程 |
publications | 出版物 |
public-held companies | 公众持股(上市)公司 |
published rental rate | 公布的租金费率 |
purchase money security interest | 定金担保利益 |
Purchase | 购货 |
Purchase discount | 进货折扣 |
Purchase return | 进货退回 |
put option | 留置选择权 |
pert | 项目评审法 |
QIBs( qualified institutional buyers) | 合格的机构买入人 |
QTE(qualified technological equipment)lease | (美国税法中所规定的计算机或外部设备、高技术电话站设备及高技术医疗设备等的)高技术设备租赁 |
quality spread | 质量差幅 |
quantitative criteria | 量化标准 |
quid pro quo | (经营租赁合同中的)让步条件 |
quiet enjoyment right | 平静行使权 |
quiet possessions | 平静占有 |
quoting | 报价 |
Quotation | 报价 |
rail car | 轨道车辆 |
raise fund | 筹集资金 |
ratification | 批准 |
rating agencies | 评级代理机构 |
ratings | 评定等级 |
Rate | 比率 |
ratio enhancement | (财务)比率改善 |
Raw material | 原料 |
real person | 真人 |
real property and personal property | 不动产和动产 |
real rights | 物权 |
realization | 实现 |
realize the value | 实现价值 |
Rebate | 回扣 |
rebuttable presumption | 可予驳回的推定 |
receipts for services | 服务的收入 |
Receipt | 收据 |
Receivable | 应收款 |
receivership | 破产接收 |
receivers | 破产受益人 |
recertification | (由原制造商作出的)重新认证 |
recognition of income | 收益确认 |
record | 记录 |
recoupment | 扣留 |
Recoup | 补偿 |
recourse | 追索权 |
recoverability | 可回收程度 |
recoverable amount | 可回收金额 |
recover | 收回 |
Redemption | 偿还 |
reduction | 减少 |
reference rate | 参考利率 |
refresh | 翻新 |
refundable security deposit | 期末应退还的保证金 |
Refund | 退款 |
refurbishment | 翻新 |
regional jet | 支线飞机 |
regionalization | 区域化 |
registration process | 登记程序 |
registration rights | 登记权 |
regular periodic payment | 定期的规定的租金 |
regulatory factors | 管制因素 |
regulatory laws | 管制法律 |
reinvestment | 再投入 |
reject | 拒收 |
re-leasing | 再出租 |
relieve | 解除 |
remaining balance | 余额 |
remarketing obligations of the vendor | 卖主的再处置责任 |
remarketing | 再处置 |
remedy | 补救 |
REMIC(real estate mortgage investment conduit) | 不动产抵押投资管道 |
remote contingency | 遥远的或有事件 |
removal | 拆除 |
Remittance | 汇款 |
renewing | 更新 |
rent commencement date | 租金首付日 |
rent curve depreciation | 按租金曲线折旧 |
rent | 租金 |
rental fleets | 短期出租车队 |
rental house | 出租公司 |
rental income | 租金收入 |
rental market | 出租市场 |
rental of equipment | 设备出租 |
rental rates | 租金水平(费率) |
rental stream | 租金流 |
rental tax | 租金税 |
rental yard | 出租公司 |
rentals payable | 应付租金 |
rent-to-buy | 先租后买 |
rent-to-leases | 先以租赁合同方式租用后以融资租赁合同方式租入 |
rent-to-rent | 纯粹租用 |
rent-to-re-rent | (租入后)转租 |
reorganization | 重组 |
repairs | 备件 |
repair | 修理 修理费 |
repatriation | (从别国)收回(租赁物)的风险 |
repayment | 偿付 |
replacement servicers | 替代的服务者 |
replacements | 替换件 |
report | 报告 |
repossession | 重新占有 |
representations | 陈述 |
request for proposal | 投标申请书 |
rescind | 撤销 |
resell | 转售 |
reserves | 储备金 |
Reserve | 准备 |
residual capture | 余值捕捉 |
residual exposure | 余值风险 |
residual guarantee | 余值担保 |
residual income | 剩余所得 |
residual position | 余值地位(指出租人承担余值风险的处境) |
residual realization | 余值实现 |
residual risk | 余值风险 |
residual's carrying value | (财务报表上的)残值结存价值 |
Residual value | 剩余价值 |
resolution | 裁决 |
resources | 资源 |
retailers 'sales tax | 零售商销售税 |
retail | 零售 |
retaining | 保留 |
retain | 留存 |
Retailer | 零售商 |
retention rate | (承租人的)留购率 |
retention | 提留 |
retrospective application | 追溯性运用 |
return provisions | 对返还的规定 |
returned asset | 返还的资产 |
Returns | 退货 |
revolving loan facility | 循环贷款融通 |
Revenue | 收入 |
right to use | 使用权 |
risk sharing techniques | 风险分担方法 |
risk-reducing pooling agreement | 风险减少共担协议 |
risks and rewards incident to ownership | 随附于所有权的风险和报酬 |
ROA(return on assets) | 资产回报率 |
road | 道路 |
roll-out process | 推进程序 |
royalties | 特许使用权费 |
rules of law | 法规 |
RVI(residual value insurance) | 余值保险 |
r&d | 研究和开发 |
roce | 运用资本报酬率 |
safe harbor | 避风港 |
safe-harbor leases | 避风港租赁(对有避税功能的租赁的形容) |
safety standard | 安全标准 |
sales and leaseback | 售后回租 |
sales origination teams | 销售开发团队 |
sales proceeds | 销售收入 |
sales taxes | 销售税 |
sales volume | 销售量 |
sales-aid leasing | (专属公司的)销售协助型租赁 |
sales-type lease | 销售型租赁 |
Sales | 销货 |
Sale return | 销货退回 |
Sale discount | 销货折扣 |
Salvage | 残值 |
sample | 样品 |
sampling | 样品示例 |
Sample fee | 样品 |
Salary | 薪金 |
scale | 扩容 |
schedule | 进度计划、附表 |
scrap or salvage sale | 报废或挑其中有价值的贵金属出卖 |
Scrap | 废料 |
Scrap value | 残余价值 |
sealed bid sale | 密封标价销售 |
SEC(Security and Exchange Commission) | (美国)证券交易委员会 |
secondary market breadth and depth | 二手市场的广度及深度 |
secured creditor | 有担保的债权人 |
secured financing | 有担保的融资 |
secured or unsecured | 有担保或无担保的 |
secured party | 被担保方 |
securitization assets | 证券化资产 |
securitization of leases and leased assets portfolio | 租赁协议及租赁资产组合证券化 |
securitization pool | 证券化池 |
securitization transactions | 证券化交易 |
security deposit | 保证金 |
security interest | 担保权益 |
Securities | 证券 |
Security | 抵押品 |
self-help repossession | 自助性重新占有 |
self-insured corporations | 自保公司 |
selling price | 销售价格 |
Selling commission | 销货佣金 |
Selling expense | 销货费用 |
semiconductor chips | 半导体芯片 |
sensitivity analysis | 敏感性分析 |
separate component | 单独部分 |
separate identity | 单独身份 |
separate legal person | 单独的法人 |
separate products | 不同的产品 |
separate, independent trustee | 单独的、独立的受托人 |
service tax | 服务税 |
servicer | (资产证券化中的)服务者 |
setoff | 抵销 |
Share capital | 股份 |
Share certificate | 股票 |
Shareholder | 股东 |
shipping | 装运 |
shop visit | (飞机的)拆下发电机的大修 |
Short term loan | 短期借款 |
signature | 签署 |
significant date management capability | 对数据管理的重要能力 |
sign | 签署 |
similarity | 相似性 |
simple finance leases | 简单融资租赁 |
single-aisle | (飞机上的)单过道 |
small cost items | 低成本项目 |
SMEs | 中小型企业 |
societe anonyme | 股份有限公司(法国) |
soft (oversupplied) market | 软(供大于求)市场 |
software vendor | 软件卖主 |
software | 软件 |
sole shareholder | 单一股东 |
sole tax avoidance purpose | 纯粹的避税目的 |
Sole proprietorship | 独资 |
sovereign risk | 主权风险 |
Spare parts | 配件 |
special priority rules | 特别优先权规则 |
special purpose "bankruptcy remote" entity | “不易破产”的专设实体 |
special purpose entity(SPE) | 特殊目的实体 |
specialist firm | 专业公司 |
specialized independents | 专业化的独立的公司 |
specified order of seniority | 规定的先后顺序 |
sponsored program | 赞助计划 |
sponsor | 发起 |
SSAP 21 | (英国)租赁协议及租购合同的会计处理 |
standard setters | 标准制订者 |
Standard cost | 标准成本 |
state-of-art technology | 最新技术 |
status | 资格 |
statute | 法规 |
statutory protection | 法规上的保护 |
statutory regulations | 法定规定 |
stayed actions | 延缓的诉讼 |
step-down lease structure | 租金递减的租赁方式 |
step-up lease structure | 租金递增的租赁方式 |
stock and debt mutual funds | 股票和债务共同基金 |
stock exchange listing | 股票上市 |
Stock | 存货 |
Stocktake | 盘点 |
Stock sheet | 存货表 |
storage | 存储 |
straight line basis | 直线法 |
straight-line depreciation | 直线法折旧 |
straight-line recognition | 直线法确认 |
strategic recommendations | 战略性建议 |
structural alternatives | 方式选择 |
structures | 业务方式 |
structuring | 业务方式设计 |
sublease | 转租赁 |
Subsidies | 补助金 |
subordinated debt obligation | 次级债券 |
subordinated interest | 次级权益 |
subordinated tranche | 次级份额 |
subordinated | 次级的 |
subordination | 从属化 |
substance over form | 实质先于形式 |
substantive consolidation | 实质性合并 |
substantive owner | 实质上的所有权人 |
substitute | 取代 |
successors | 继承人 |
suits | 讼案 |
sunk cost method | 滞留成本法(不定期续租时经营租赁出租人采用以实收租金金额计提折旧的方法) |
superior title or right | 优先所有权或权利 |
supervise | 监管 |
supervisory process | 监管程序 |
supplier | 供货人 |
supplier-type warranty | 供货商(所提供的)担保 |
supply agreement | 供货协议 |
supply chain | 供应链 |
supply contract | 供货合同 |
Surplus | 盈余 |
supportable standard | 站得住脚的标准 |
supported obligation | 被支持的债务 |
supporting activities | 补给活动 |
Supporting document | 附表 |
surrender | 返还 |
survivability | (合同到期后的)继续有效程度 |
suspension | 延期 |
swap | 互换 |
synonyms | 同义词 |
synthetic leases | 合成租赁协议 |
Sundry expense | 杂项用 |
Suspense account | 暂记账户 |
ssap | 标准会计实务公告 |
swot | 长处和短处,机会和威胁分析 |
T-account T | 型账户 |
take-off | 起飞 |
tangible and intangible assets | 有形和无形资产 |
target market | 目标市场 |
target yield | 目标收益率 |
Taxable profit | 可徵税利润 |
Tax | 税捐 |
tax appetite | 对减税的兴趣 |
tax base | 税基 |
tax benefit transfer | 税收利益转移 |
tax code | 税法 |
tax deductible expense | 可减税的费用 |
tax deferral | 延期纳税 |
tax depreciation | 税收上的折旧 |
tax lease | 税收租赁(指真实租赁,承租人的租金支出可直接抵扣) |
tax nothing | 非纳税对象 |
tax ownership | (美国税法中的)税收所有权 |
tax regulations | 税务条例 |
tax risk | 税收风险 |
tax saving | 节税 |
tax shields | 避税 |
tax status | 税务法规 |
tax timing | 纳税时点 |
taxable income | 应税所得 |
taxable | 应纳税的 |
taxation | 税收 |
tax-exempt debt | 免税债 |
tax-exempt entities | 免税单位 |
tax-exempt issuers | 免税发行者 |
tax-exempt market | 免税市场 |
taxpayer | 纳税人 |
tqm | 全面质量管理 |
tax | 税 |
technological obsolescence | 技术老化 |
technological orientation | 技术上的定位 |
telecommunications | 电信 |
teledensity | 电信密度(指每百个居民拥有的通信线路数) |
tender | 提交 |
terminate | 终止 |
termination penalty | 提前结束时的罚金 |
terminology | 术语 |
terrestrial and satellite wireless system | 地面及卫星无线系统 |
Temporary payment | 暂付款 |
Temporary receipt | 暂收款 |
the four pillars | (支撑租赁交易的)四大支柱 |
the six phase of leasing cycles | 租赁周期的六个阶段 |
theocratic legal system | 神权法制 |
therapeutic equipment | 治疗设备 |
third-party logistics | 第三方后勤 |
threshold | 门坎 |
time pattern | 时间模式 |
Time deposit | 定期存款 |
time to market | (一个新产品从构思到实际推入市场所用的时间)上市时间 |
titleholder | 所有权人 |
title | 所有权 |
titling trust | 产权信托 |
toll | (路桥隧道等的)通行费 |
total gross investment | 毛出资总额 |
total solution | 全面解决方案 |
Total | 合计 |
Total cost | 总成本 |
TRAC(Terminal Rental Adjustment Clause)leases | 期末租金调整条款租赁协议 |
track | 卡车 |
trade discount | 贸易折扣 |
trade names | 商品牌号 |
trade tax add-backs | 贸易税附加返还 |
trade tax | 贸易税 |
Trade creditor | 进货客户 |
Trade debtor | 销售客户 |
Trademark | 商标 |
trade-in | 回购 |
traditional contract of hire | 传统的租借合同 |
traditional rental | 传统出租 |
training | 培训 |
TRALA | (美国)载重汽车出租及租赁协会 |
tranches | 组别 |
tranching | 分组 |
transaction costs | 交易成本 |
transaction privilege(sale)tax | 交易特许(销售)税 |
transaction tax | 交易税 |
transactions | 交易 |
Transfer voucher | 转账传票 |
transferors | 出让人 |
transfer | 转移 转账 |
transit district tax | 地区通过税 |
transportation | 运输 运输费 |
treasury locks | 库存锁定 |
treasury securities | 国库券 |
treatment equipment | 治疗设备 |
trigger events | 触发器事件 |
trip leases | 铁路车辆的短期租赁 |
triple net | 三方网络 |
Trial balance | 试算表 |
truck | 卡车 |
true leases | 真实租赁协议 |
true lease | 真实租赁 |
trust account | 信托账户 |
Trust | 信托 |
Trust Indenture Act | 信托契约法 |
trustee | 受托人 |
tunnels | 隧道 |
turnaround time | 周转时间 |
Turnover | 营业额 |
Traveling | 差旅费 |
type | 类型 |
UCC(Uniform Commercial Code) | (美国)统一商法典 |
ultimate useful life | 最终可用寿命 |
unamortized residual value | (经营租赁中)未摊销的余值 |
Unappropriated surplus | 未分配盈余 |
Unit cost | 单位成本 |
Unlimited company | 无限公司 |
Unlimited liability | 无限責任 |
Unpaid dividend | 未付股利 |
uncertainty | 不确定性 |
uncollectible lease payments receivable | 应收未收租赁付款 |
undersecured creditor | 未被全额担保的债权人 |
understated | 被少报的 |
underwater | 缩水 |
underwriting and credit policies | 保险和信贷政策 |
underwriting commission | 承销佣金 |
underwriting standard | 保险标准 |
underwriting | 保险 |
unearned finance income | 未实现财务收益 |
unguaranteed residual value | 无担保的残值 |
Unidroit Conventions on International Financial Leasing | 国际统一私法协会国际融资租赁公约 |
unit price | 单价 |
universal lease documentation | 租赁协议通用文本 |
unrated | 无信用等级的 |
unreimbursable | 不能回收的 |
unsecured creditor | 无担保的债权人 |
unsecuritizable | 不可证券化的 |
upgrade | 升级 |
ups and collars | 上下限 |
US federal income taxes | 美国联邦所得税 |
US Internal Revenue Service code | 美国国家税务局法规 |
usage leases | 使用权租赁(对经营租赁的形容) |
use tax | 使用税 |
used equipment leasing | 用过的设备的租赁 |
useful life | 有用寿命 |
utility | 设施 |
utilization leases | (美国铁路上采用的)轨道使用租赁 |
valuation | 估值 估价 |
Value | 价值 |
value ratio | 价值比 |
value-added services | 增值服务 |
valuing | 定值 |
var iables | 变量 |
var iation in return | 回报波动 |
var iation | 波动 |
VAT(value added taxes) | 增值税 |
vendor agreements | 卖主协议 |
vendor finance | 卖主融资 |
vendor leasing programs | 卖主租赁计划 |
vendor reputation and viability | 卖主的声誉和活力 |
vendor | 卖主 |
venture leases | 风险租赁 |
verifiable case | 经得起检验的案例 |
vibrant | 有活力的 |
vicarious liability | 转承债务 |
virtual ownership | 实际上的所有权 |
volatility | 波动性 |
vote control | 表决控制权 |
vote | 表决权 |
Voucher | 传票 |
warehousing | 仓储 |
warranty claim | 担保请求权 |
warranty | 担保 |
waste incineration | 垃圾焚烧 |
water supply and purification | 供水及净化 |
Wage rate | 工资率 |
Wage | 工资 |
Wage allocation sheet | 工资分配表 |
Warehouse receipt | 仓库收据 |
weight | 权重 |
well-crafted contract clauses | 认真草拟的合同条款 |
whale-minnow concept | (靠租赁融资规模覆盖市场的)大鱼和(靠专业化租赁服务市场的)小鱼论 |
whole sale | 趸卖 |
wide-body aircraft | 宽机身飞机 |
win-win event | 双赢事件 |
withhold | 提留 |
withholding tax | 预提税 |
working capital | 流动资金 |
workshop on leasing | 租赁研讨会 |
World Leasing Convention | 世界租赁大会 |
wrap leases | 互换型租赁协议 |
write-off | 减记、冲销 |