
*Terms commonly used in the Mainland
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息股证equity linked instrument (ELI)
吸收合并merger by absorption
洗黑钱money laundering
细额先到先得Small Order First-In-First-Out
细价股small cap stock; penny stock
细盘撮合系统【美国】Small Order Entry System; Small Order Execution System (SOES)【US】
系列按金价值series margin value
系统参数system parameter
系统处理量system capacity
系统联通权system access right
系统联通权收费【期权】System Access Right Fee【options】
系统性风险systematic risk
系统整合商system integrator
系统终止system closure
下单方式booking model
下一交收日到期/逾期数额报告【中央结算系统】Next Settlement Day Due / Overdue Position Report【CCASS】
先进先出first in, first out (FIFO)
现货价spot price; cash price; physical price; actual price
现货市场spot market; cash market; physical market; actual market
现货市场咨询小组Cash Market Consultative Panel
现货月spot month
现货月按金Spot Month Charge
现价nominal price
现金差额缴款cash marks
现金股票化cash equitisation
现金回佣cash commission rebate; cash rebate
现金交收cash settlement; cash on delivery (COD)
现金结算*cash settlement
现金客户cash client
现金流动表cash flow statement
现金流量折现/贴现discounted cash flow
现金流向/现金流*/现金周转cash flow
现金壳股公司cash shell
现金收益净值net present value
现金选择cash alternative
现金资产公司cash company
限价卖空规则tick rule; uptick rule
限价盘;限价委托*limit order
限制买卖期;禁止买卖期“black out” period
限制通知书restriction notice
线路费circuit fee
线上交易online trading
线上权益披露系统Disclosure of Interests Online System (DION System)
线上项目above the line
线下项目below the line
相抵持仓offsetting position
相对回报率relative return
相对强弱指数Relative Strength Index (RSI)
相联公司associate; associate company; associated company
香港按揭证券有限公司The Hong Kong Mortgage Corporation Limited
香港财务策划师学会The Institute of Financial Planners of Hong Kong
香港财务顾问学会Hong Kong Association of Financial Advisors
《香港财务报告准则》Hong Kong Financial Reporting Standards (HKFRS)
香港场外结算有限公司(场外结算公司)OTC Clearing Hong Kong Limited (OTC Clear)
香港创业及私募投资协会Hong Kong Venture Capital and Private Equity Association
香港董事学会The Hong Kong Institute of Directors
《香港公司收购、合并及股份购回守则》Hong Kong Codes on Takeovers and Mergers and Share Repurchases
香港股份商会(1921 年-1947 年)Hong Kong Stockbrokers’ Association (1921-1947)
香港股票经纪会(1891 年)Stockbrokers’ Association of Hong Kong -1891
香港管理专业协会Hong Kong Management Association
香港国际仲裁中心Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre
香港货币及投资汇展Money World Asia Hong Kong
香港交易及结算所有限公司(香港交易所)Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited (HKEX)
香港交易及结算所有限公司北京代表处Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited Beijing Representative Office
香港交易所慈善基金有限公司HKEX Foundation Limited
香港交易所电子登载系统HKEX Electronic Publication System
香港交易所服务网络HKEX Service Network (HSN)
香港交易所领航星技术计划HKEX Orion
香港交易所领航星市场数据平台HKEX Orion Market Data Platform (OMD)
香港交易所领航星中央交易网关HKEX Orion Central Gateway (OCG)
香港交易所美元黄金期货 — 超额回报指数HKEX USD Gold Futures – Excess Return Index
香港交易所美元黄金期货 — 现货指数HKEX USD Gold Futures – Spot Price Index
香港交易所美元黄金期货 — 总回报指数HKEX USD Gold Futures – Total Return Index
香港交易所人民币(香港)黄金期货 — 超额回报指数HKEX CNH Gold Futures – Excess Return Index
香港交易所人民币(香港)黄金期货 — 现货指数HKEX CNH Gold Futures – Spot Price Index
香港交易所人民币(香港)黄金期货 — 总回报指数HKEX CNH Gold Futures – Total Return Index
香港交易所设备托管服务有限公司HKEX Hosting Services Limited
香港交易所投资(香港)有限公司HKEX Investment (Hong Kong) Limited
香港交易所数据产品HKEX Data Products
香港交易所网站手机版HKEX Mobile
香港交易所(中国)有限公司HKEX (China) Limited
香港交易所资讯服务有限公司(香港交易所资讯服务)HKEX Information Services Limited (HKEX-IS)
香港交易所组合风险按金系统Portfolio Risk Margining System of HKEX (PriME)
香港金融大会堂HKEX Connect Hall
香港金融管理局(金管局)Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA)
香港金融研究中心Hong Kong Institute for Monetary Research (HKIMR)
香港经纪商会(1914 年-1947 年)The Hong Kong Stock Exchange
香港经纪协会(1891 年)Association of Stockbrokers in Hong Kong (1891)
香港会计师公会Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants (HKICPA)
香港联合交易所期权结算所有限公司(联交所期权结算所)The SEHK Options Clearing House Limited (SEOCH)
香港联合交易所有限公司(联交所)The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (SEHK)
《香港联合交易所有限公司 GEM 证券上市规则》(《GEM 上市规则》)Rules Governing the Listing of Securities on the GEM of the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (GEM Listing Rules)
《香港联合交易所有限公司证券上市规则》(《主板上市规则》)Rules Governing the Listing of Securities on the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (Main Board Listing Rules)
香港联合交易所资讯服务有限公司Stock Exchange Information Services Limited (SEIS)
香港律师会The Law Society of Hong Kong
香港期货交易所有限公司(期交所)Hong Kong Futures Exchange Limited (HKFE)
香港期货结算有限公司(期货结算公司)HKFE Clearing Corporation Limited (HKCC)
香港商品交易所Hong Kong Mercantile Exchange (HKMEx)
香港上市公司商会Chamber of Hong Kong Listed Companies
香港上市台资企业指数T-share Index
香港特许秘书公会The Hong Kong Institute of Chartered Secretaries (HKICS)
香港投资分析员公会Hong Kong Institute of Investment Analysts
香港投资基金公会Hong Kong Investment Funds Association (HKIFA)
香港投资通函呈报准则Hong Kong Standards on Investment Circular Reporting Engagements (HKSIR)
香港投资者关系协会The Hong Kong Investor Relations Association (HKIRA)
香港投资者学会Hong Kong Institute of Investors (HKII)
香港网上经纪协会有限公司The Hong Kong Association of Online Brokers Limited (HKAOB)
香港银行公会Hong Kong Association of Banks (HKAB)
香港银行同业拆息Hong Kong Interbank Offered Rate (HIBOR)
香港银行同业结算有限公司Hong Kong Interbank Clearing Limited
香港银行学会Hong Kong Institute of Bankers
香港预托证券;香港存托凭证*Hong Kong Depositary Receipt (HDR)
香港证券兑换代理服务有限公司HK Conversion Agency Services Limited
香港证券及期货从业员工会Hong Kong Securities & Futures Employees Union
香港证券及期货专业总会Hong Kong Securities and Futures Professional Association
香港证券及投资学会Hong Kong Securities and Investment Institute (HKSI)
香港证券交易所(1947 年-1986 年)The Hong Kong Stock Exchange
香港证券经纪业协会(1978 年)(现称「香港证券业协会」)Hong Kong Stockbrokers Association (1978) (now Hong Kong Securities Association)
香港证券市场文献及文物征集计划Hong Kong Securities Market Archives and Artifacts Collection Campaign
香港证券学会Hong Kong Securities Professionals Association
香港证券业同学会Hong Kong Securities Professionals Alumni Association
香港证券业协会Hong Kong Securities Association
香港中国企业协会Hong Kong Chinese Enterprises Association
香港中小型企业商会Hong Kong Chamber of Small and Medium Business
香港中央结算(代理人)有限公司HKSCC Nominees Limited
香港中央结算有限公司(香港结算)Hong Kong Securities Clearing Company Limited (HKSCC)
香港中央证券登记有限公司Computershare Hong Kong Investor Services Limited (CHIS)
香港中资证券业协会Chinese Securities Association of Hong Kong
香港专业财经分析及评论家协会The Hong Kong Institute of Financial Analysts and Professional Commentators
香港资本市场公会Hong Kong Capital Markets Association
香港总商会The Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce
相关/指定证券;基础证券*underlying securities
相关/指定资产underlying asset
相互上市cross listing; dual listing
相联者associated person
乡镇企业township and village enterprises
项目监察委员会Project Oversight Committee
项目融资project finance
消耗性资产【期权】wasting asset【options】
销售收入sales revenue
销项增值税output VAT
小盘股*small cap stock
小型恒生指数期货Mini-Hang Seng Index Futures
小型恒生指数期权Mini-Hang Seng Index Options
小型恒生中国企业指数期货(小型 H 股指数期货)Mini-Hang Seng China Enterprises Index Futures (Mini H-shares Index Futures)
协议安排/协议计划scheme of arrangement
协议控制*;可变利益实体Variable Interest Entity (VIE)
薪酬利益remuneration package
新股发行new issue
新股通Primary Equity Connect / Primary Connect
新华富时中国 25 指数FTSE/Xinhua China 25 Index (FXI China 25)
新加坡交易所Singapore Exchange (SGX)
新兴及创新产业emerging and innovative sector
新兴市场emerging market
新证券交易设施New Securities Trading Device (NSTD)
信贷额度credit limit
信贷风险credit risk
信贷挂钩票据credit-linked note (CLN)
信贷管制credit control
信贷紧缩credit squeeze
信贷评级credit rating
信贷违约掉期credit default swap (CDS)
信息商*;信息供应商*;资讯供应商information vendor
信心保证书comfort letter
信用担保附约Credit Support Annex (CSA)
信用风险缓释合约*Credit Risk Mitigation Agreement (CRMA)
信用风险缓释凭证*Credit Risk Mitigation Warrant (CRMW)
信用评级credit rating
信用违约互换*credit default swap (CDS)
信用支持附件Credit Support Annex (CSA)
行权期*exercise schedule
行使方式exercise style
行使价/行权价格*strike price【options】; exercise price
行使价间距;行使间距strike interval
行使期/行使时限exercise period
行使日exercise day (E day)
行头盘front running
熊市bear market
熊猫债panda bond
虚假市场false market
虚拟市场virtual market
虚售交易;虚卖wash sale; wash trade
须予公布的交易notifiable transaction
须予披露的交易discloseable transaction
选时交易market timing
选择性销售selective marketing
学术评审咨询委员会【证监会】Academic and Accreditation Advisory Committee 【AAAC】【SFC】
询价制*;簿记建档*;累计投标制book building
讯框传送交易网络frame relay trading network
讯息代码【资讯供应商】access code【information vendors】
讯息提示alert message; news alert


亚太经济合作组织Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC)
亚太区中央证券存管处组织Asia-Pacific Central Securities Depository Group (ACG)
亚洲公司治理协会Asian Corporate Governance Association (ACGA)
亚洲货币世界(新加坡)有限公司Money World Asia Pte Limited
亚洲基础设施投资银行(亚投行)Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB)
亚洲及大洋洲证券交易所联会Asian and Oceanian Stock Exchange Federation (AOSEF)
亚洲开发银行Asian Development Bank (ADB)
延时资讯delayed data
延续交易证券Extended Trading Securities
延续早市Extended Morning Session
掩盖资料宽免待遇【证监会】masking relief【SFC】
衍生产品结算及交收系统Derivatives Clearing and Settlement System (DCASS)
衍生产品市场/衍生工具市场derivatives market
衍生产品市场咨询小组Derivatives Market Consultative Panel
「衍生有道」网页Using Derivatives section
衍生权证derivative warrant
扬基债券Yankee bond
遥距交易设施remote trading access
遥距交易所参与者Remote Exchange Participant
要求协助公告Request for Assistance Announcement (RFA Announcement)
业绩公布results announcement
业务划分delineation of activities
业务纪录track record
业务纪录期track record period
一般豁免general waiver; blanket waiver
一般权证plain vanilla warrant
一般性授权general mandate
一带一路指数Belt and Road Index
一级市场primary market
一级市场信息平台【债券通公司】Primary Market Information Platform 【BCCL】
一篮子备兑证basket warrant
一篮子权证basket warrant
一篮子指数买卖盘index basket order
一致行动acting in concert
移动平均值背驰指标Moving Average Convergence-Divergence (MACD)
以按金形式缴付的期权金margined premium
以股代息dividend in specie; scrip dividend
以股换股share exchange
「以他人名义代持股份」安排“warehousing” arrangement
以物易物的虚晃交易banner barter transaction
以先旧后新方式配售placing and top-up; top up placing
以现金折算的息股证cash settled ELI
以责务变更的方式进行净额结算netting by novation
以最佳价格/条件执行交易的原则principle of best execution
已发行股份/股本/股票issued shares; outstanding stock
已划分成交;已划分的买卖isolated trade
已划分的买卖;已划分成交isolated trade
「已划分的买卖」制度【中央结算系统】isolated trades system【CCASS】
已交收数额报告【中央结算系统】Settled Position Report【CCASS】
已停业公司dormant company
溢利预测profit forecast
议价交易negotiated transaction
翌日净额结算系统next day net settlement system
阴阳烛图candlestick chart
银行承兑汇票banker's acceptance
银行对账表bank reconciliation statement
银行间市场清算所股份有限公司(上海清算所)Shanghai Clearing House (SHCH)
银行结汇体系exchange surrender system
银行确认书bank confirmation
银行融通额/融资额banking facility
银行同业拆借市场interbank market
银行证明文件bank confirmation
银团贷款syndicated loan
隐藏交易额买卖盘hidden-size order
隐名交易;匿名交易anonymous trading
引申波幅implied volatility
印度卢比兑美元期货Indian Rupee vs US Dollar Futures (INR/USD Futures)
印度卢比兑人民币(香港)期货Indian Rupee vs Renminbi (Hong Kong) Futures (INR/CNH Futures)
印度卢比货币期货合约Indian Rupee Currency Futures
印花税stamp duty
英格兰及威尔斯特许会计师公会Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (ICA England & Wales)
英国金融市场行为监管局Financial Conduct Authority (FCA)【UK】
英国金融业管理局Financial Services Authority (FSA)【UK】
英国投资管理监管组织Investment Management Regulatory Organisation (IMRO)
盈富基金Tracker Fund of Hong Kong (TraHK)
盈利earnings; profit
盈利对利息倍数interest cover; interest coverage
盈利警告;盈警profit warning
盈息权证dividend accumulator warrant
盈余储备surplus reserve
营业日business day
营运/营业租赁operating lease
营运资金working capital
荧光屏广播讯息服务Broadcast Message Service
影响股价资料price-sensitive information
影响市场资料market-sensitive information
影子董事shadow director
应付即日差额缴款intra-day marks payment obligations
应付内地结算备付金报告Mainland Settlement Deposit Payable Report
应付内地证券结算保证金报告Mainland Security Deposit Payable Report
应付账款accounts payable
应急可转债contingent convertible bond (CoCo bond)
应计费用accrued expenses
应计利息accrued interest
应计收入accrued revenue
应计制【会计】accrual basis【accounting】
应纳税所得额*taxable income
应收账款accounts receivable
应用程式界面Application Programming Interface (API)
应用服务供应商Application Service Provider (ASP)
应用指引【《上市规则》】Practice Note【Listing Rules】
应占股权attributable equity interest
硬包销hard underwriting
硬货币hard currency
永久优先股perpetual preference share
永久债券 / 永续债券perpetual bond
用户代号User ID
用户接纳测试/用户接收测试user acceptance test (UAT)
用户终端设施user access
「用者自付」原则“user pay” principle
佣金回扣commission rebate
优化前端监控模式Enhanced Pre-Trade Checking Model
优先股preference share; preferred share
优先普通股preferred ordinary share
优先认购权;优先购买权pre-emptive right
优先债券*senior debt securities
优质证券seasoned securities
有担保的卖空交易covered short selling
有抵押权证collateralized warrant
《有关发行人分派股息及其他权益的指引》Guide on Distribution of Dividends and Other Entitlements
《有关公告须由交易所预先审阅的规定的指引》Guide on pre-vetting requirements for announcements
有关暂时停牌公司之报告Temporary Suspension Status Report
有条件现金收购/要约conditional cash offer
有条件协议conditional agreement
有限投票权股份limited voting share
有限责任公司limited liability company
有限制牌照银行restricted licence bank (RLB)
有形资产净值net tangible assets
有纸股份certificated shares
逾时交易late trading
与关联者的交易;关联方交易related party transaction
预计平均结算价estimated average settlement price (EAS price)
预计资本值estimated capital value
预设期货跨期合约Predefined Futures Calendar Spreads
预托证券depositary receipt
原油期货crude oil futures
源指令码source code
远程联通客户Remote Access Client
远东交易所 (1969 年-1986 年)The Far East Exchange (1969-1986)
远期货币合约currency forward
远期利率合约Forward Rate Agreement (FRA)
远期权利forward entitlement
远期月份distant month; back month
远期指数期权/长期指数期权long-dated index options
云端运算技术cloud computing technologies


在交易所买卖的期权traded option
再融资;后续发行;上市后发行;增发follow-on offering
暂不采取行动豁免no-action relief
暂定配额通知书provisional letter of allotment
暂搁注册shelf registration facility
暂缓还款协议standstill agreement
暂缓执行配对交收指示hold matched SI
暂记账suspense account
暂收款temporary receipts
暂停办理过户登记手续closure of books; closure of register
暂停时段blocking period
暂用节流率temporary throttle rate
暂用节流率计划Throttle-On-Demand Scheme
早市morning session
造价price manipulation
造壳活动shell manufacturing
造市market manipulation
责任承诺书responsibility letter
责任声明书responsibility statement
责务变更合约novated contract
增补/补充上市文件supplementary/supplemental listing document
增发;再融资;后续发行;上市后发行follow-on offering
增强限价盘enhanced limit order
增值服务value-added service
增值税value added tax (VAT)
债权股额loan stock
债券bond; debenture; debt securities; loan stock
债券抵押证券Collateralised Bond Obligation (CBO)
债券通Bond Connect
债券通有限公司(债券通公司)Bond Connect Company Limited (BCCL)
债务/股本金比率*debt-to-equity ratio
债务报表indebtedness statement
债务偿还debt repayment
债务抵押债券Collateralised Debt Obligation (CDO)
债务工具中央结算系统【金管局】Central Moneymarkets Unit (CMU) 【HKMA】
债务链debt chain
债务市场debt market
债务证券debt securities; loan stock
债转股debt-for-equity swap
斩仓margin cut; liquidation; forced liquidation
战略投资者strategic investor
战略新兴产业板【内地】Strategic Emerging Industries Board 【Mainland】
涨跌幅限制*trading limits
漲跌停板措施circuit breaker
账簿管理人;配售经办人book runner
账龄分析aging analysis of accounts
账面净值net book value
账面值book value
账目调整表statement of adjustments
招标发售offer by tender
招股机制offering mechanism
招股价issue price
招股文件网上预览版Web Proof Prospectus
折扣discount; haircut
折扣经纪discount broker
折让经纪discount broker
折现率discount rate
帧中继交易网frame relay trading network
争夺式收购contested takeover
征求建议书request for proposal
征求意见稿exposure draft
征收印花税运作程序Operation Procedures for Stamp Duty Collection
整合consolidation; integration
整合统筹小组Integration Management Office
整批输入核对程序【中央结算系统】batch validation run【CCASS】
整批输入交收指示【中央结算系统】SI Batch File Service【CCASS】
整体持仓overall position
正常买卖盘差额normal order imbalance
正股underlying stock
政府和社会资本合作项目;政府和社会资本合作Public Private Partnership (PPP)
政府债券government bond
证监会电子服务网站SFC Online Portal
《证监会合规通讯:中介人》SFC Compliance Bulletin: Intermediaries
证监会论坛SFC Regulatory Forum
证监会双重存档事宜顾问小组SFC Dual Filing Advisory Group
证券按贷财务提供者share margin finance provider (SMFP)
证券保证金融资share margin financing
证券保证金融资人securities margin financier
证券代号stock code
证券的认可价值admissible securities value
证券登记公司总会有限公司Federation of Shares Registrars Limited
证券抵押品securities collateral
证券隔分segregation of securities
证券柜台买卖中心(柜买中心)【台湾】Taipei Exchange (TPEx)
证券合伙商号dealing partnership
证券化率*securitisation ratio
证券汇集转按margin pooling
《证券及期货(淡仓申报)规则》Securities and Futures (Short Position Reporting) Rules
证券及期货事务监察委员会(证监会)The Securities and Futures Commission (SFC)
证券及期货事务上诉审裁处Securities and Futures Appeals Tribunal (SFAT)
证券及期货事务上诉委员会Securities and Futures Appeals Panel
《证券及期货事务监察委员会持牌人或注册人操守准则》Code of Conduct for Persons Licensed by or Registered with the Securities and Futures Commission
《证券及期货(在证券市场上市)规则》Securities and Futures (Stock Market Listing) Rules
证券及投资管理局【英国】Securities and Investment Board (SIB) 【UK】
证券及衍生产品市场综合网络SDNet/2 (Securities and Derivatives Network)
证券交易法【台湾】Securities and Exchange Act【Taiwan】
证券交易委员会【美国】Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) 【US】
证券交易自动报价系统【内地】Securities Trading Automated Quotation System(STAQS)【Mainland】
证券借出人securities lender
证券借贷协议书securities borrowing and lending agreement (SBLA)
证券经销经纪印花税jobber stamp duty
证券赔偿基金委员会【证监会】Securities Compensation Fund Committee 【SFC】
《证券(披露权益)具报纪录》Securities (Disclosure of Interests) Notification History Reports
《证券(披露权益)具报摘要》【刊物】Securities (Disclosure of Interests) Notification Summaries【publication】
证券期货局【台湾】Securities and Futures Bureau【Taiwan】
证券商代表dealer's representative
证券商董事dealing director
证券商协会有限公司The Institute of Securities Dealers Ltd
《证券上市规则》(《香港联合交易所有限公司证券上市规则》)Exchange Listing Rules (Rules Governing the Listing of Securities on the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited)
证券市场历史研究计划Stock Market History Project
证券市场自动化监察及交易分析系统Securities Markets Automated Research Training & Surveillance (SMARTS)
证券投资基金securities investment fund
证券信用交易*;融资融券*margin trading and securities lending
证券业培训课程securities training programme
郑州商品交易所(郑商所)Zhengzhou Commodity Exchange (ZCE)
支付和市场基础设施委员会Committee on Payments and Market Infrastructures (CPMI)
支付及结算系统委员会(2014 年易名「支付和市场基础设施委员会」)Committee on Payment and Settlement Systems(CPSS)
芝加哥期货交易所Chicago Board of Trade (CBOT)
芝加哥期权交易所Chicago Board Options Exchange (CBOE)
芝加哥商品交易所Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME)
芝加哥选择权交易所Chicago Board Options Exchange (CBOE)
芝商所CME Group
直驳光纤dark fibre
直接记存指示;直接存款/存账指示Direct Credit Instruction (DCI)
直接结算direct clearing
直接结算参与者Direct Clearing Participant (DCP)
直接记除指示;直接扣款/扣账指示Direct Debit Instruction (DDI)
直接扣除按金系统Direct Margin Debiting System (DMDS)
直接纳入中央结算系统的新股direct stock admission【CCASS】
直线折旧法straightline method of depreciation
直通式交易处理运作;直通式交易程序straight-through processing
直至到期盘【限价盘】Until Expiry【limit orders】
执业审核制度practice review system
职工股【内地】employee share【Mainland】
职能划分制度/职能分管制度Chinese Wall
职权范围terms of reference
《执法通讯》【证监会】Enforcement Reporter【SFC】
执行报告服务drop copy service
执行董事executive director
执业会计师公会【美国】Institute of Certified Public Accountants (ICPA)【US】
指定顾问【伦敦证券交易所】Nominated Adviser (Nomad) 【London Stock Exchange】
指定银行designated bank
指定证券;标的证券*designated securities
纸黄金paper gold
止蚀盘;止损委托*stop order; stop-loss order
止蚀限价盘stop limit order
指示价格indicative price
指数变数;指数变体index variant
指数参与单位index participation unit
指数掉期index swap
指数挂钩及低收费产品indexing and low cost product
指数加权移动平均方法exponentially-weighted moving average
指数牌照费index license fees
指数期货index futures
指数权证index warrant
指数认购权证index call warrant
指数套戥index arbitrage
指数预托证券index depositary receipt; index share
指数债券index bond
指引信guidance letter
指引摘要【《上市规则》】Guidance Note【Listing Rules】
「只限长仓」期权经纪Long Only Brokers for Options (LOBO)
制订系统规模system sizing
智慧型投资策略 ETFsmart beta ETF
制造业采购经理指数Purchasing Managers’ Index (PMI)
质押式回购*collateralised repo
忠诚保险计划fidelity insurance scheme
中国 A 股连接产品China A-Share Access Products (CAAP)
中国保险监督管理委员会(中国保监会)China Insurance Regulatory Commission (CIRC)
中国存托凭证*Chinese depositary receipt (CDR)
中国国际金融有限公司China International Capital Corporation Ltd (CICC)
中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission
中国国家现代化支付系统China National Advanced Payment System (CNAPS)
中国结算参与人ChinaClear Participant
中国金融期货交易所(中金所)China Financial Futures Exchange (CFFEX)
中国会计学会Accounting Society of China (ASC)
中国会计准则委员会China Accounting Standards Committee
中国内地地区折扣优惠计划Mainland China Discount Programme
中国期货市场监控中心有限责任公司(中国期监)China Futures Margin Monitoring Center Co., Ltd (CFMMC)
中国期货业协会China Futures Association
《中国企业会计准则》China Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises (CASBE)
中国人民银行People's Bank of China (PBC)
中国上市公司协会China Association for Public Companies
中国审计准则委员会Chinese Auditing Standards Board
中国投资发展促进会China Association for the Promotion of Investment (CAPI)
中国投资信息有限公司China Investment Information Services Limited (CIIS)
中国投资有限责任公司China Investment Corporation Ltd (CIC)
中国外汇交易中心China Foreign Exchange Trade System (CFETS)
中国银行保险监督管理委员会(中国银保监会)China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission (CBIRC)
中国银行间市场交易商协会【内地】National Association of Financial Market Institutional Investors 【Mainland】
中国银行业监督管理委员会(中国银监会)China Banking Regulatory Commission (CBRC)
中国预托证券Chinese depositary receipt (CDR)
中国证券登记结算有限责任公司(中国证券登记结算 或 中国结算)China Securities Depository and Clearing Corporation Limited (CSDC or China Clear)
中国证券监督管理委员会(中国证监会)China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC)
《中国证券监督管理委员会公告》China Securities Regulatory Commission Official Bulletin 【publication】
中国证券金融股份有限公司China Securities Finance Corporation Limited (CSF)
中国证券市场网页China Stock Markets Web
中国证券投资者保护基金有限责任公司【内地】China Securities Investor Protection Fund Corporation Limited 【Mainland】
中国证券业协会The Securities Association of China (SAC)
中国证券业协会基金公会The Chinese Association of Securities Investment Funds(CASIF)
中国证券业协会证券分析师专业委员会Securities Analysts Association of China (SAAC)
中国注册会计师协会The Chinese Institute of Certified Public Accountants (CICPA)
中华港股通优选 50 指数(中华港股通优选50)CES Stock Connect Hong Kong Premier 50 Index (CES SCHK50)
中华交易服务 A 股外资优先配置指数CES Foreign A-Shares Choice Index
中华交易服务半导体行业指数CES China Semiconductor Index
中华交易服务博彩业指数(中华博彩指数)CES Gaming Top 10 Index (CES G10)
中华交易服务博彩业指数期货(博彩业期货)CES Gaming Top 10 Index Futures
中华交易服务创新生物科技指数CES Innovative Biotech Index
中华交易服务房地产投资信托基金指数(中华房地产信托基金指数)CES REIT Index (CES REIT)
中华交易服务港股通成长指数CES SCHK Growth Index
中华交易服务港股通泛休闲娱乐指数(中华港股通泛休闲娱乐指数)CES SCHK Pan-Entertainment and Leisure Index (CES SCHK E&L)
中华交易服务港股通高股息低波动指数(中华港股通高息低波指数)CES SCHK High Yield Low Volatility Index (CES SCHK HYLV)
中华交易服务港股通护城河指数CES SCHK Moat Index
中华交易服务港股通价值指数CES SCHK Value Index
中华交易服务港股通精选 100 指数(中华港股通精选 100)CES Stock Connect Hong Kong Select 100 Index (CES SCHK100)
中华交易服务(沪深港)互联互通指数系列CES Stock Connect Index Series
中华交易服务沪深港 300 指数(中华沪深港300)CES Stock Connect 300 Index (CES 300)
中华交易服务陆股通行业龙头指数CES SCA Industry Top Index
中华交易服务香港生物科技指数CES HK Biotechnology Index
中华交易服务一带一路指数(中华一带一路指数)CES Belt and Road Index (CES OBOR)
中华交易服务预期高股息指数CES Forecast High Dividend Yield Index (CES FHY)
中华交易服务粤港澳大湾区指数CES Greater Bay Area Index
中华交易服务粤港澳大湾区优势产业指数CES Greater Bay Area Industries Select Index
中华交易服务中国 A80 指数(中华 A80)CES China A80 Index (CES A80)
中华交易服务中国 120 指数(中华 120)CES China 120 Index (CES 120)
中华交易服务中国 280 指数(中华 280)CES China 280 Index (CES 280)
中华交易服务中国海外民企指数(中华民企指数)CES China Private Elite Index (CES PElite)
中华交易服务中国跨境指数系列CES China Cross Border Index Series
中华交易服务中国香港内地指数(中华香港内地指数)CES China HK Mainland Index (CES HKMI)
中华通服务特别规则China Connect Service Special Rules
中华通中央交易网关China Connect Central Gateway (CCCG)
中华证券交易服务有限公司(中华交易服务)China Exchanges Services Company Limited (CESC)
中华证券通(中证通)China Stock Connect (CSC)
中间行使价middle exercise price
中介控股公司intermediate holding company
中欧国际交易所(中欧所)China Europe International Exchange (CEINEX)
中期报告interim report
中期借贷便利操作【内地】medium-term lending facility (MLF) 【Mainland】
中途停牌;短暂停牌trading halt
中外合资企业Sino-foreign equity joint venture
中位价期权middle-priced option
中午资料传送服务Mid-day Data File Transfer Service
中小企业板【深交所】Small and Medium Enterprise Board (SME Board)【SZSE】
中小創新指數【深交所】SZSE Small/Mid Cap Innovation Index 【SZSE】
中型股mid-cap stock
中央存管处central depository
中央代理人central nominee
中央股份借贷系统centralised borrowing and lending system
中央挂盘册central order book
中央国债登记结算有限责任公司(中债登)China Central Depository & Clearing Company Limited (CCDC)
中央汇金投资有限责任公司Central Huijin Investment Ltd
中央交易纪录central transaction log
中央结算对手;中央交易对手;中央交易对手结算所;中央对手方central counterparty (CCP)
中央结算及交收系统 (中央结算系统)Central Clearing and Settlement System (CCASS)
中央结算系统保证基金CCASS Guarantee Fund
中央结算系统参与者保荐户口CCASS Participant Sponsored Account
中央结算系统参与者及指定银行名录CCASS Participant & Designated Bank List
中央结算系统登记册CCASS Register
中央结算系统互联网系统CCASS Internet System
中央结算系统强制证券借贷服务Compulsory Stock Borrowing and Lending Service in CCASS
《中央结算系统一般规则》General Rules of CCASS
《中央结算系统运作程序规则》CCASS Operational Procedures
中央结算系统证券存管处CCASS Depository
中央控制工作站controller workstation
中央买卖盘纪录central order book
中央交易网关Central Gateway
中央证券存管处国际会议Conference of Central Securities Depositories (CCSD)
中证恒生沪港通 AH 股精明指数(沪港通 AH股精明指数)Hang Seng CSI Shanghai-Hong Kong AH Smart Index (SHHKSI)
中证流通指数China Securities Free Floating Index
中证指数有限公司(中证指数公司)China Securities Index Company Limited (CSI)
中资企业控股公司(红筹股)China-controlled company (Red Chip)
「终止及停止」令"cease and desist" order
众筹活动crowd-funding activity
洲际交易所Intercontinental Exchange (ICE)
周转率/交易流通速度/流通比率/转手率/流转率/换手率*turnover rate; velocity
逐日盯市*mark to market / mark-to-market
逐项交收trade-for-trade settlement
烛柱图candlestick chart
主板main board
主办券商*chief agency broker
主场中央结算所Host Clearing House
主承销商*lead underwriter
主权风险sovereign risk
主题稽核theme inspection
主要保荐人primary sponsor
主要股东major shareholder; substantial shareholder
主要交易major transaction
主要经办人;牵头经办人lead manager
主要经济指标leading economic indicator
主要上市primary listing
主要主管【GEM】principal supervisor【GEM】
主要庄家primary market maker
注册融资人registered financier
注册商号registered firm
注册证券商registered dealer
注册中介团体registered intermediary
注册庄家Registered Trader
注释备忘录explanatory memorandum
注销股份cancelled share
助理主管【GEM】assistant supervisor【GEM】
专家咨询小组advisory specialist group
专题深度研讨会deep-dive workshop
专线网络系统Proprietary Network System (PNS)
专业银行*specialised bank
专用交易系统proprietary trading system
专用线路dedicated line
专责监察主任Designated Compliance Officer