*Terms commonly used in the Mainland
*内地用语 版本日期:2019年12月
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*内地用语 版本日期:2019年12月
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基本按金 | initial margin |
基本报价服务 | Basic Market Prices Service |
基础货币;基准货币 | base currency |
基础上市文件 | base listing document |
基础投资者 | cornerstone investor |
基础证券*;相关/指定证券 | underlying securities |
基点 | basis point |
基建工程/项目 | infrastructure project |
基建融资促进办公室【金管局】 | Infrastructure Financing Facilitation Office (IFFO) 【HKMA】 |
基金份额持有人* | fund unit holder |
基金互认安排 | mutual recognition of funds |
基金经理 | fund manager |
基准风险;基本风险 | basis risk |
基准股市指数 | benchmark equity index |
基准掉期 | basis swap |
基准货币;基础货币 | base currency |
基准价格 | notation price |
基准日 | base day |
基准收益率曲线 | benchmark yield curve |
机构风险 | institutional risk |
机构交易员组合系统【澳洲】 | Portfolio System for Institutional Traders (POSIT)【Australia】 |
机构客户 | institutional client |
机构联动 | Institute-Connect |
机构投资者 | institutional investor |
机械理财顾问 | robo-advisor |
机械理财建议 | robo-advice |
稽核测试 | audit test |
稽核委员会 | Audit Committee |
积欠款项 | arrears |
极端波动乘数 | extreme move multiplier |
极端波动覆盖分数 | extreme move covered fraction |
极价内期权 | deep-in-the-money option |
极价外期权 | deep-out-of-the-money option; tails |
集合报价 | mass quote |
集合竞价 | aggregate auction; call auction |
集体宽免 | class relief |
集体投资基金 | collective investment fund |
集体投资计划 | collective investment scheme (CIS) |
集团会计 | corporate accounting |
集团亏损税务宽免 | group tax loss relief |
集团内部交易 | intra-group transaction |
集中持仓量 | concentrated position |
集中风险 | concentration risk |
集中风险调整 | concentration risk adjustment |
集资 | capital formation |
集资净额 | net proceeds |
集资市场 | primary market |
集资退休基金 | Pooled Retirement Fund |
即年合约 | front year contract |
即期定盘价 | spot pricing |
即日报价 | intraday quotation |
即日差额缴款报告【中央结算系统】 | Intra-day Marks Collection Report 【CCASS】 |
即日拆借市场 | intra-day money market |
即日额外按金 | intra-day margin |
即日回购协议【银行】 | intraday repurchase agreement 【banking】 |
即日流动资金 | intraday liquidity |
即日买卖 | day trade |
即日盘/即日买卖盘;当日有效盘 | day order |
即日平仓交易 | day trade |
「即日鲜」 | day trade |
即日有效买卖盘 | good-for-day order |
即日追补按金;即日追收按金 | intra-day margin call |
即日追收变动保证金 | intra-day variation margin call |
即时汇款同时交收【银行】 | payment vs payment (PvP)【banking】 |
「即时或取消」买卖盘 | Immediate-or-Cancel order (IOC) |
即时数码数据服务 | Realtime Digital Data Service (RDDS) |
即时数码资料传送专线 | realtime digital datafeed |
即时支付结算系统【金管局】 | Real Time Gross Settlement system (RTGS)【HKMA】 |
即时资讯 | real time information |
即夜传送报告资料服务【中央结算系统】 | Overnight Report Distribution【CCASS】 |
即月 | front-month |
《纪律案例》 | Disciplinary Casebook |
纪律程序 | disciplinary procedures |
《纪律处分程序手册》 | Handbook on Disciplinary Proceedings |
纪律处分行动声明【证监会】 | Statement of Disciplinary Action 【SFC】 |
纪律处分权力 | disciplinary power |
纪律复核小组 | Disciplinary Review Panel (DRP) |
纪律管辖权 | disciplinary jurisdiction |
纪律上诉委员会 | Disciplinary Appeals Committee |
纪律委员会 | Disciplinary Committee |
纪律研讯主席委员会【证监会】 | Disciplinary Chair Committee【SFC】 |
记录日期;股权登记日 | record date |
记名证券 | registered securities |
记名证书 | registered certificate |
技术性验证测试 | Proof of Concept |
计算按金程序 | margining process |
夹仓 | squeeze; short squeeze; cornering |
加速折旧 | accelerated depreciation |
假市 | false market |
价差* | spread |
价差优化计划 | Spread Enhancement Programme |
价格变动保证金 | variation margin |
价格带 | price band |
价格动力 | price momentum |
价格发现 | price discovery |
价格幅度限制 | permissible price range |
价格校验范围 | Price Scan Range |
价格校正利息 | price alignment interest (PAI) |
价内;实值* | in-the-money |
价内期权 | in-the-money option |
价外;虚价;虚值 | out-of-the-money |
价外期权 | out-of-the-money option |
价位 | spread |
价位表 | Spread Table |
价位值 | tick value |
价值稳定的货币 | hard currency |
价值状况 | moneyness |
基差交易 | basis trading |
坚定承诺【包销】 | firm commitment【underwriting】 |
监察主任 | compliance officer |
监督及监控金融市场基建的技术规则【国际货币基金组织】 | Technical Note on Oversight and Supervision of Financial Market Infrastructures【IMF】 |
监管 | regulation |
《监管合作备忘录》 | Memorandum of Regulatory Cooperation (MORC) |
监管豁免 | no-action relief; regulatory action exemption |
监管机构 | regulatory body |
监管监察 | regulatory oversight |
监管科技 | Regtech |
监管套戥 | regulatory arbitrage |
监管制度 | regulatory regime |
监事【内地】 | supervisor【Mainland】 |
监事会【内地】 | supervisory committee【Mainland】 |
简易资讯整合服务 | RSS service |
减佣经纪 | discount broker |
建议最佳常规 | recommended best practice |
将股票化零为整 | jumbomize |
交叉货币掉期 | cross currency swap (CCS) |
交叉连接 | Cross Connects (XCN) |
交叉买卖;交叉盘买卖 | crossed trade; cross trade; crossing |
交叉盘时段 | crossing session |
交叉盘网络 | crossing network |
交叉盘系统 | crossing system |
交错到期组合 | staggering maturities |
交付;交割* | delivery |
交割结算价* | final settlement price |
交收 | settlement |
交收报告【中央结算系统】 | Settlement Report【CCASS】 |
交收风险 | settlement risk |
交收积压 | settlement backlog |
交收期 | settlement period |
交收日 | settlement date |
交收上限 | settlement cap |
交收银行 | settlement bank |
交收指示 | settlement instruction (SI) |
交收指示的交易 | SI transaction |
交收指示活动报告【中央结算系统】 | SI Activity Report【CCASS】 |
「交收指示」交易 | settlement instruction transaction |
交收指示整批传送【中央结算系统】 | Settlement Instruction Batch Upload 【CCASS】 |
交收指示状况报告【中央结算系统】 | SI Status Report【CCASS】 |
交投畅旺 | heavy trading |
交投淡静 | quiet trading |
交投疏落 | light trading |
交易参数 | trading parameter |
交易查讯 | trading inquiry |
交易大堂 | trading floor; trading hall |
交易单位 | trading unit |
交易对手 | counterparty |
交易分仓 | trade allocation |
交易费 | Trading Fee |
交易工作站 | trading workstation |
交易柜位;交易席位*;交易单元* | trading booth |
交易及结算综合系统 | integrated trading and clearing system |
交易纪录价值 | ticker value |
交易量 | trading capacity |
交易流通速度/流通比率/周转率/转手率/流转率/换手率* | turnover rate; velocity |
交易能力 | trading capacity |
交易前检查 | pre-trade checking |
交易前时段 | Pre-Trading Period |
交易圈/交易场 | pit; trading pit |
交易权 | Trading Right |
交易日 | trading day |
交易日表 | trading calendar |
交易商 | dealer |
交易商承约报告 | Commitments of Traders (COT) report |
交易设施 | trading facilities |
交易市场 | secondary market; after market / aftermarket |
交易所参与者 | Exchange Participant |
交易所参与者及联交所交易权持有人名录 | List of Exchange Participants & Holders of Stock Exchange Trading Rights |
交易所参与者证明书 | Exchange Participant Certificate |
《交易所规则》 | Rules of the Exchange |
交易所会议厅 | Exchange Auditorium |
交易所交易权证明书 | Exchange Trading Right Certificate |
交易所买卖产品;场内交易产品 | exchange traded product (ETP) |
交易所买卖基金;交易所交易基金* | exchange traded fund (ETF) |
交易所买卖票据 | exchange traded certificate (ETC); exchange traded note (ETN) |
交易所买卖商品 | exchange traded commodity |
交易所买卖之期权 | exchange traded option |
交易所展览馆 | Exchange Exhibition Hall |
交易通(人证港币交易通) | TSF (RMB Equity Trading Support Facility) |
交易通参与者 | TSF Participant |
交易系统使用费 | trading tariff |
交易型开放式指数证券投资基金*; 交易型开放式指数基金* | exchange traded fund (ETF) |
交易议价板 | Bulletin Board |
交易征费 | Transaction Levy |
交易转移【期权】 | trade give-ups【options】 |
交易资料储存库 | trade repository |
缴入股本 | paid-up capital; paid-in capital |
缴足股本 | fully paid-up capital |
接驳站收费 | port connection fee |
接管收购* | takeover |
接价盘 | accept order |
接口费 | port connection fee |
接收【期权】 | take-up【options】 |
接受存款公司 | deposit-taking company (DTC) |
「街名」股票 | “street name” share certificate |
结构化布线系统 | structured cabling system |
结构型基金 | structured fund |
结构性产品综合处理系统 | Structured Products Integrated Transaction System (SPRINTS) |
结清 | close out |
结算 | clearing |
结算保证金;结算担保金 | Settlement Guarantee Fund |
结算备付金;结算准备金 | Settlement Reserve Fund |
结算备付金比率 | Settlement Deposit Rate |
结算参与者 | clearing participant |
结算参与人* | clearing participant |
结算服务热线中心 | Clearing Service Call Centre |
结算会籍/结算会员资格 | clearing membership |
结算机构参与者 | Clearing Agency Participant |
结算价 | clearing price |
结算门户网站【场外结算公司】 | OTC Account Services Information System (OASIS) 【OTC Clear】 |
结算所 | clearing house |
结算所参与者 | Clearing House Participant |
结算所电子附属登记系统【澳洲】 | Clearing House Electronic Subregister System (CHESS)【Australia】 |
结算所基金 | Clearing House Funds |
「结算通」电话系统 | CCASS Phone System |
结算协议书 | clearing agreement |
结算咨询小组 | Clearing Consultative Panel |
结转【会计】 | carried forward【accounting】 |
节流率 | throttle rate |
截止过户期间 | book closure period |
截止过户日期 | book close date |
借贷资本 | loan capital |
借额 | debit |
借方结余 | debit balance |
借款股 | loan stock |
借壳上市 | backdoor listing |
界面联系 | interfacing |
界内证 | inline warrant |
介绍代理人 | introducing agent |
介绍经纪人* | introducing broker |
介绍形式上市 | listing by introduction |
金边证券 | gilt-edged securities |
金衡制盎司 | fine troy ounce |
金融大改革【英国】 | Big Bang【UK】 |
金融发展局(金发局) | Financial Services Development Council (FSDC) |
《金融服务法》【英国】 | Financial Services Act【UK】 |
金融服务网络 | FinNet |
金融工具 | financial instrument |
《金融工具市场指令 II》(MiFID II) | Markets in Financial Instruments Directives II (MiFID II) |
金融科技督导小组 | Steering Group on Financial Technologies |
金融科技联络办事处 | Fintech Contact Point |
金融科技咨询小组 | Fintech Advisory Group |
金融基础设施督导委员会 | The Steering Committee on the Enhancement of Financial Infrastructure (SCEFI) |
金融机构 | financial institution |
金融监督管理委员会(金管会)【台湾】 | Financial Supervisory Commission 【Taiwan】 |
金融业评估计划;金融体系评估计划;金融界评估计划 | Financial Sector Assessment Program |
金融纠纷调解中心有限公司(调解中心) | Financial Dispute Resolution Centre Ltd (FDRC) |
金融期货 | financial futures |
金融市场 | financial market |
《金融市场基建的原则》 | Principles for Financial Market Infrastructures (PFMI) |
金融衍生产品 | financial derivatives |
金融债* | financial bond |
金融中介机构/团体 | financial intermediary |
金融中介现象 | financial intermediation |
金融租赁* | financial lease |
金银业贸易场 | The Chinese Gold and Silver Exchange Society (CGSE) |
金银证券交易所(1971 年-1986 年) | The Kam Ngan Stock Exchange (1971-1986) |
金砖联盟市场 | BRICSMART |
紧急贷款者 | lender of last resort |
紧密联系人 | close associate |
紧缩措施 | austerity measures |
近价盘 | about order |
近价期权 | near-the-money option |
进项增值税 | input VAT |
尽职审查 | due diligence |
禁止买卖期;限制买卖期 | “black out” period |
经办人 | manager |
经办银行 | administering bank |
经常账 | current account |
经纪参与者【中央结算系统参与者】 | Broker Participant【CCASS Participants】 |
经纪电子邮递及集体传呼服务 | E-mail and Group Paging Services |
经纪行 | brokerage |
经纪后勤办公室支援服务 | Brokers’ Electronic Support Services (BESS) |
经纪交易 | agency trade |
经纪交易商 | broker-dealer |
经纪佣金 | brokerage |
经纪忠诚保险计划 | Brokers’ Fidelity Insurance Scheme (BFI) |
经纪忠诚保险计划委员会 | Brokers’ Fidelity Insurance Committee |
经纪自设系统 | Broker Supplied System (BSS) |
经济自由指数 | Index of Economic Freedom |
经扩大股本 | enlarged share capital |
经审核账目 | audited accounts |
经营租赁 | operating lease |
净额按金计算 | net margining |
净额结算;对销 | netting |
净逆差额缴款 | net unfavourable marks |
竞价盘 | at-auction order |
竞价市场 | auction market |
竞价投标 | auction |
竞价限价盘 | at-auction limit order |
境内证券 | domestic securities |
《关于进一步加强在境外发行股票和上市管理的通知》 【国务院】 | Notice of the State Council on Further Strenthening Management of Issuance and Listing of Shares Overseas【State Council】 |
境外上市外资股【内地】 | overseas listed foreign share 【Mainland】 |
静态资讯 | static information |
净值比率 | net worth ratio |
九倍限制规则 | 9-times Restriction Rule |
九龙证券交易所 (1972 年-1986 年) | The Kowloon Stock Exchange (1972-1986) |
救市贷款 | Lifeboat Loan |
救市特别交易征费 | “Lifeboat” levy |
狙击手【收购】 | predator【takeover】 |
举报政策 | whistleblowing policy |
拒纳信 | Rejection Letter |
均衡价格 | equilibrium price |
开仓合约 | opening contract |
开仓交易 | opening transaction |
开放式基金 | open-end fund |
开价盘 | quote |
开价盘要求 | quote request |
开盘集合竞价;开市集合竞价 | opening call auction |
开盘价 | opening price |
开盘状况报告 | quote maintenance report |
开市报价规则 | opening quotations rules |
开市分配时段【HKATS】 | open allocation session【HKATS】 |
开市价 | opening price |
开市集合竞价;开盘集合竞价 | opening call auction |
开市集合竞价时段 | opening call auction session |
开市盘 | open order; at-the-opening order |
开市前分配时段【HKATS】 | pre-open allocation session【HKATS】 |
开市前时段 ;开市前议价时段 | pre-market opening session |
开市前议价机制【期货】 | Pre-market Opening Mechanism 【futures】 |
《开展境内个人直接投资境外证券市场试点方案》 | Pilot Program for Direct Foreign Portfolio Investments by Domestic Individuals |
凯伯里报告书【英国】 | Cadbury Report【UK】 |
凯伯里委员会【英国】 | Cadbury Committee【UK】 |
凯利板 | Catalist |
「看跌」股票挂钩票据 | Bear Equity Linked Instrument (Bear ELI) |
看跌期权 | put option |
「看涨」股票挂钩票据 | Bull Equity Linked Instrument (Bull ELI) |
看涨期权 | call option |
刊发后始审阅 | post-vetting |
科创板【上交所】 | STAR Market【SSE】 |
可变利益实体;协议控制* | Variable Interest Entity (VIE) |
可变名义掉期 | variable notional swap |
可变投票权股份 | variable voting share |
《可持续发展报告指南》第三版 | G3 Sustainability Reporting Guidelines |
可分派溢利 | distributable profit |
可交收外汇合约 | foreign exchange deliverables |
可进行保证金交易的合资格上交所证券名单 | List of Eligible SSE Securities for Margin Trading |
可扩展标记语言 | Extensible Markup Language |
可扩展商业报告语言 | eXtensible Business Reporting Language (XBRL) |
可赎回股份 | redeemable share |
可行性研究 | feasibility study |
可以互换或对销 | fungible |
可用年限 | useful life |
可转换/可换股可赎回票据 | convertible redeemable note |
可转换/可换股票据 | convertible note |
可转换/可换股债券 | convertible bond |
可转换/可换股证券 | convertible securities |
可转让定期存单;同业存单 | negotiable certificate of deposit (NCD) |
可转让票据 | negotiable instrument |
可转让证券集体投资计划 | Undertakings in Collective Investments in Transferable Securities (UCITS) |
客场中央结算所 | Participant Clearing House |
客户按金 | client margin |
客户按金对销账户 | Client Offset Claim Account |
客户户口 | client account |
《客户身分规则的政策》 | Client Identity Rule Policy |
客户识别信息 | Client Identification Data (CID) |
客户通告 | client notice |
客户协议书/合约 | client’s agreement |
客户注册庄家 | Client Registered Trader |
空仓/空头* | bear position; short position |
控股公司 | holding company |
控股股东 | controlling shareholder |
控股权益 | controlling interest |
控权公司 | holding company |
控权股东 | controlling shareholder |
控权人 | controller |
口头竞价/口头唱价*【=公开喊价】 | auction【= open outcry】 |
扣减(率) | haircut; discount rate |
库存股份/股票 | treasury share; treasury stock |
跨产品按金 | cross margin |
跨柜台转换 | inter-counter transfer |
跨国多重上市 | mutual cross-listing |
跨货币掉期 | cross currency swap |
跨价;跨期式组合 | spread |
跨价买卖 | price spread; vertical spread; spread trading |
跨价权证 | spread warrant |
跨价衍生权证 | call spread derivative warrant |
跨境上市 | cross-border listing; cross listing |
跨境网关入口 | cross-border access portal |
跨期按金 | spread rate |
跨期买卖 | spread trading |
跨期买卖 | calendar spread; time spread; horizontal spread |
跨期组合 | calendar spread |
跨日净额交收 | cross-day netting |
跨市场按金制度 | cross margining |
跨市场抵押品 | cross collateral; cross-collateralisation |
跨式套利* 【期权】 | straddle【options】 |
跨司法区招股活动 | multi-jurisdictional equity offering |
会计处理方式 | accounting treatment |
会计惯例/实务 | accounting practice |
会计期间 | accounting period |
会计师报告 | accountants' report |
《会计实务准则》 | Statement of Standard Accounting Practice (SSAP) |
会计准则/标准 | accounting standard |
会员制转为股份制 | demutualisation |
快闪盘 | flash order |
宽跨式套利* | long strangle |
宽限期 | grace period |
款项过户系统 | money transfer system |
款项交收费 | money settlement fee |
款项净额结算每日平均效率 | daily average funds netting efficiency |
款项预缴服务 | cash prepayment service |
「来回」期权交易 | “round trip” option transaction |
蓝筹股 | blue chip |
老鼠仓活动 | rat trading; scalping |
「勒束式」股票挂钩票据 | Range Equity Linked Instrument (Range ELI) |
勒束式组合【期权】 | strangle【options】 |
累积认购期权合约/累计期权 | accumulator |
累积认沽期权合约/累计期权 | decumulator |
累积投票制* | cumulative voting |
累计/累积垫款 | cumulative advance |
累计/累积利润 | accumulated profits |
累计/累积利息 | accumulated interest |
累计/累积折旧 | accumulated depreciation |
累计投标制;簿记建档*;询价制* | book building |
冷淡对待令 | cold shoulder order |
离岸调期 | offshore swap |
离岸基金 | offshore fund |
离岸盈利重组 | offshore profit regrouping |
离场价;平仓价 | exit price |
离场交易 | off-floor trading; off-board trading |
离场买卖盘 | off-floor order |
理论性参考价格系统【期货】 | Theoretical Indicative Pricing System (TIPS)【futures】 |
利差交易 | carry trade |
利率掉期/利率调期;调期息率* | interest rate swap (IRS) |
利率掉期期货 | Interest Rate Swap Futures |
利率期货 | interest rate futures |
利率上限 | interest rate ceiling |
利率衔接 | interest collar; interest rate collar |
利润 | profit |
利润警告* | profit warning |
利息补贴【内地】 | interest rate subsidy【Mainland】 |
利息资本化 | capitalisation of interest |
利益冲突事宜委员会 | Conflict Committee |
利益相关者;持份者;权益人;干系人*;利益攸关者* | stakeholder |
历史波幅 | historical volatility |
历史成本 | historical cost |
立约成价 | contracted price |
立约价值 | contracted value |
联邦基金 | Federal funds |
联邦基金利率 | Federal funds rate |
联合交易所赔偿基金 | Unified Exchange Compensation Fund |
联合受托人 | co-trustee |
联机界面联系 | on-line interface |
《联交所参与者市场占有率报告》 | Stock Exchange Participants' Market Share Report |
联交所交易权 | Stock Exchange Trading Right |
联交所期权结算所参与者 | SEOCH Participant |
联交所期权结算所抵押品 | SEOCH collateral |
联接基金 | feeder fund |
联名个人投资者户口 | Joint Individual Investor Account |
联属公司 | affiliated company; affiliate |
联网 | networking |
联席保荐人 | co-sponsor |
联席经办人 | co-manager |
联系汇率 | pegged exchange rate |
联系汇率制 | pegged rate system |
联系人 | associate |
联系设施【电脑】 | gateway【computer】 |
联系证明书/信心保证书 | comfort letter |
联线投资服务 | on-line investment service |
联营公司 | associated company; associate company; associate |
连锁关系原则 | chain principle |
连锁关系原则要约 | chain principle offer |
连续竞价 | continuous auction |
两边开盘 | two-way quote |
两边客成交;两边客交易 | direct business; direct business transaction |
两边客交易;两边客成交 | direct business; direct business transaction |
两边客买卖盘 | two-sided order |
临时公告 | holding announcement |
临时结算表 | Provisional Clearing Statement (PCS) |
临时清盘人 | provisional liquidator |
零对冲值避险 | delta hedge |
零股* | odd lot |
零行使价衍生权证 | zero strike derivative warrant |
零和游戏 | Zero-sum game |
零交易日 | zero-trading day |
零售资讯服务 | retail information service |
零息债券 | zero coupon bond |
聆讯后资料集 | Post Hearing Information Pack (PHIP) |
领航星交易平台 | Orion Trading Platform (OTP) |
另类交易平台 | alternative liquidity pool (ALP) |
另类投资 | alternative investment |
《另类投资基金经理指令》【欧洲联盟】 | Alternative Investment Fund Managers Directive (AIFMD) 【European Union】 |
另项投资市场;另类投资市场【英国】 | Alternative Investment Market (AIM) 【UK】 |
另选登记服务 | optional registration service |
留成资金/保留资金 | retained capital |
留存股票 | treasury share; treasury stock |
留存溢利/盈利 | retained profits |
留存盈利/收益 | retained earnings; retained income |
流动数据 | streaming data |
流动性不足/流通性不足 | illiquidity |
流动性管理中心 | liquidity hub |
流动资产 | liquid asset |
流动资金 | liquid capital |
流动资金比率/幅度 | liquidity ratio; liquidity margin |
流动资金调节窗 | Liquidity Adjustment Window (LAW) |
流动资金调节机制【金管局】 | Liquidity Adjustment Facility (LAF) 【HKMA】 |
流通比率/交易流通速度/周转率/转手率/流转率/换手率* | turnover rate; velocity |
流通风险 | liquidity risk |
流通股【内地】 | tradable share; negotiable share 【Mainland】 |
流通量提供者 | liquidity provider |
流通市值【内地】 | negotiable market capitalisation 【Mainland】 |
流通性;流动性* | liquidity |
流转率/流通比率/交易流通速度/周转率/转手率/换手率* | turnover rate; velocity |
路演;巡回推介 | roadshow |
绿色金融认证计划 | Green Finance Certification Scheme |
绿色债券资助计划 | Green Bond Grant Scheme |
绿鞋期权* | greenshoe option |
伦敦国际金融期货交易所 | NYSE Liffe |
伦敦期权市场 | London Traded Options Market (LTOM) |
伦敦证券交易所 | London Stock Exchange (LSE) |
落盘 | placing an order |
孖展 | margin |
孖展覆盖率 | margin coverage ratio |
孖展客户 | margin client |
孖展买卖 | margin trading |
孖展融资 | margin financing |
马鞍式组合【期权】 | straddle【options】 |
买断式回购* | buyout repo |
买家 | bidder |
买价/买盘价 | bid price |
买卖差价 | bid-asked spread |
买卖单据 | contract note |
买卖单位 | board lot |
买卖惯例 | dealing practice |
买卖盘 | order |
买卖盘变动 | order book changes (OBC) |
买卖盘差额 | order imbalance |
买卖盘处理量 | order throughput rate |
买卖盘传递 | order routing |
买卖盘传递系统 | Order Routing System (ORS); router system |
买卖盘及交易纪录服务 | Order and Trade File Services |
买卖盘纪录 | order book |
买卖盘价值限制 | order consideration limit |
买卖盘输入 | order entry |
买卖盘通过量 | order throughput rate ; throughput rate; transaction throughput |
买卖盘纸 | deal ticket |
买卖因公众持股量不足而停牌证券的申报表 | Form for Reporting Dealings in Securities Suspended due to Insufficient Public Float |
买卖指示 | order |
买盘 | buy order |
买盘成交 | buy trade value |
买壳 | acquisition of shells |
买入期权 | call option |
「买者自负」原则 | “let the buyer beware” principle; “Caveat Emptor” (let the buyer beware) |
卖家【期权】 | writer【options】 |
卖价 | offer price |
卖空 | short selling / short sale |
卖空股份总额 | short interest |
卖空价规则 | tick rule |
卖空空仓 | open short position |
卖空卖方 | short seller |
卖空证券 | Short Selling Securities |
卖盘 | sell order |
卖盘成交 | sell trade value |
卖盘价 | ask price; asked price |
锚定投资者* | anchor investor |
没有利益关系的股东 | disinterested shareholder |
没有预先借货的卖空活动;无担保卖空;无货沽空 | naked short selling |
每股盈利 | earnings per share (EPS) |
每股有形资产净值 | net tangible assets per share |
每股资产净值 | net asset value per share |
每日按金 | daily margin |
每日按金要求 | daily margin call |
每日回报标准差 | standard deviation of daily return |
每日额度余额 | daily quota balance |
每日价格波动限幅 | daily price swing limit |
每日价格上限 | daily trading limit |
每日交易活动及持仓报告【期货】 | Daily Trading Activity and Open Positions Summary Report【futures】 |
每日结算价 | daily settlement price |
每日平均交收效率 | daily average settlement efficiency |
美国本土债券 | Yankee bond |
美国存管信托公司 | Depository Trust Company (DTC)【US】 |
美国存管信托及结算公司 | Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation (DTCC)【US】 |
美国国家经济研究局 | National Bureau of Economic Research 【US】 |
美国联邦储备系统 | Federal Reserve System 【US】 |
美国联邦结算系统 | Fed wire; Fedwire; FedWire【US】 |
美国联邦公开市场委员会 | Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) 【US】 |
美国联邦国家房屋贷款协会(房利美) | Federal National Mortgage Association (Fannie Mae) 【US】 |
美国联邦住宅贷款抵押公司(房贷美) | Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation (Freddie Mac) 【US】 |
美国全国证券交易商协会自动报价系统/美国纳斯达克证券市场 | National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotations (NASDAQ) |
美国商会 | American Chamber of Commerce (AMCHAM) |
美国预托证券;美国存托凭证* | American depositary receipt (ADR) |
美国证券交易所 | American Stock Exchange (AMEX) |
美式期权 | American style option |
迷你债券 | mini-bond |
免费实时基本报价网站服务(免费网站报价服务) | Free Real-time Basic Market Prices Website Service (Free Prices Website Service) |
免责声明 | disclaimer |
面值 | face value; nominal value |
民企股(香港上市) | P chip |
敏感度分析 | sensitivity analysis |
名义持有人 | nominee; nominee holder |
名义汇率 | nominal exchange rate |
名义价格* | nominal price |
名义价值 | notional value |
模拟交易 | mock trading |
模拟系统 | simulation system |
母公司 | parent company; holding company |
木兰债 | Mulan Bond (SDR Bond) |
目标可赎回远期合约 | target redemption forward contract |
穆迪投资评级 | Moody’s Investment Grade |